Music Service

External Exams and Private Lessons

External Exams

Except for those pupils who are required to satisfy the demands of GCSE and A Level examination, the service does not require pupils to undertake external instrumental examinations. It is however our policy to encourage pupils to sit graded examinations as a measure of their standard and progress. When a pupil is entered, it is on the understanding that:

  1. The teacher agrees to the entry;
  2. The parent is responsible for payment of examination fee which should be given to the teacher prior to the submission of the entry;
  3. It is the parents who are responsible for ensuring that an accompanist rehearses with the child and is available for the examination;
  4. Realistic support and practice of aural work must be sought

The results of the examinations are usually sent to the teacher who will let the pupils know the results as soon as possible. The Music Service office does not know the results until some time later.

Private Lessons

It is not advisable for a young person to supplement Pembrokeshire Music Service instrumental lessons with private tuition from a different teacher. Two teachers with two different approaches can confuse a student, preventing rather than encouraging the progress. The service is, however prepared to teach pupils who have private tuition, but in the event of allocating a limited number of places, will always give priority to the student not receiving private tuition.


ID: 452, revised 29/03/2023