Marriages and Civil Partnerships

Planning your ceremony

Welcome to the Pembrokeshire Registration Service. We are delighted that you have chosen Pembrokeshire to hold your special day. Your ceremony will be tailored to your requirements, being as formal or informal as you wish. Our dedicated registration staff are here to offer support, advice and help to create your perfect day.

Arriving for your ceremony

You should arrive at least 20 minutes before the appointed time for your ceremony which will start promptly at the time you have booked. If you wish to remain separate prior to the ceremony please stagger your time of arrival the second partner arriving approximately 10 minutes after the first.

Please make allowances for traffic delays and pre-ceremony photography and ensure that everyone arrives in good time.


Poetry or prose readings are a good way to include family members or friends in your ceremony. You are also welcome to include musical items in your ceremony, so long as these are approved by us. 

Photography or film

If you would like photography or filming during your ceremony we ask that you nominate one person to undertake these and ask them to make themselves known to the celebrant before the ceremony starts. Please note that flash photography is not permitted during the ceremony.


ID: 94, revised 05/01/2023