Listed Buildings and Conservation Area

Scheduled Ancient Monuments

The County Council holds a list of Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Pembrokeshire.

Dyfed Archaeological Trust Heritage Management maintains the Historic Environment Record for southwest Wales. Currently over 43,000 sites of archaeological and historical interest are recorded.

An important function of the Dyfed Archaeological Trust is to provide local planning authorities and others engaged in development and land-use change, in both the private and public sectors, with a uniform development control service across the whole of Wales.

Cadw (the historic environment service of the Welsh Assembly Government) is the formal consultee for Pembrokeshire County Council's Planning Department with regard to any proposed works to Scheduled Ancient Monuments in the County. Cadw utilises information in the Historic Environment Record and their specialist knowledge and expertise to assess and comment on all planning applications that might adversely effect the historic environment.

The following policy is relevant to Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Pembrokeshire:

Policy GN.38 Protection and Enhancement of the Historic Environment

Pembrokeshire County Council uses the advice from both Cadw and Dyfed Archaeological Trust to assess the potential impact of development on the heritage, so trying to ensure that damage is kept to a minimum.

ID: 2217, revised 25/01/2022