Listed Buildings and Conservation Area
Conservation Areas
What is a conservation area?
A Conservation Area is defined as “an area of special architectural and historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance” (Planning (Listed buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990).
Therefore a Conservation Area is an area designated by the Council as an area of special architectural or historic interest. The designation of a Conservation Area enables the Council to monitor and guide change and to ensure that the character of the area is protected.
Conservation Areas vary greatly in their nature and character and they contain the most historically and architecturally important and interesting parts of towns and villages. The designation of a Conservation Area is a prime means of recognising, protecting and enhancing the identity of places with special character.
There are currently 24 conservation areas designated by Pembrokeshire County Council which cover 0.53% of the County.
Conservation Area Appraisals
A Conservation Area Appraisal will be produced for each of the Conservation Areas within Pembrokeshire. This will be a document that will identify the area’s special character and local distinctiveness whilst suggesting opportunities for its care and enhancement. The document will also consist of strategies for the Conservation Area’s long term maintenance and management. Each appraisal can also be used as a tool to inform the determination of planning applications in the areas.
Public consultation will play a big part in the appraisal process. Local contribution is valued to ensure that:
- The document is a good reflection of local knowledge and experience
- It is as accurate and comprehensive as possible
- It increases and shares an understanding of an area's special character
- It ensures that everyone has a say in the management of the area
Currently the following Conservation Area Character Appraisals have been adopted:
- Pembroke Dock Conservation Area Character Appraisal
- Appendix 1 and 2 Pembroke Dock Conservation Area Maps
- Fishguard Conservation Area Character Appraisal
- Appendix 1 - Fishguard Conservation Area Maps
- Goodwick Conservation Area Character Appraisal
- Appendix 1 - Goodwick Conservation Area Maps
- Lower Town Fishguard Conservation Area Character Appraisal
- Appendix 1 - Lower Town Conservation Area Maps
Development in a Conservation Area
Conservation Area designation introduces control over demolition and the strengthened controls over development with the aim of preserving and enhancing the special interest of the Conservation Area.
A Conservation Area does not result in the exclusion of all change. All applications should be supported by full detailed drawings, and where necessary detailed landscaping proposals. This enables a proper assessment of the proposal and its impact on the Conservation Area. These should be read in conjunction with the current development plan policies produced by Pembrokeshire County Council (, adopted February 2013) of which the following are particularly relevant:
Policy GN.38 - Protection and Enhancement of the Historic Environment
Apply for Conservation Area Consent (opens in a new tab)
Article 4 Directions
Under normal circumstances many alterations or additions to buildings do not require planning consent. However, where the character of a Conservation Area may be threatened by minor alterations, normal development rights can be withdrawn through what are known as Article 4 Directions.
The designation of an Article 4 Direction often means that minor alterations, such as the replacement of windows and doors, construction of porches, even exterior painting, may require consent. This helps to ensure that details which contribute to the special character of a particular Conservation Area are protected and that any alterations are sympathetically carried out.
An Article 4 Direction for parts of Pembroke Dock Conservation Area has been in place since the 30th October 2008, the details of the direction are enclosed below.
Article Four Direction – Pembroke Dock
An Article 4 Direction for parts of Haverfordwest Conservation Area has been in place since the 2nd November 2009, the details of the direction are enclosed below.
Article Four Direction – Haverfordwest
If you require further information about any of the Conservation Areas in Pembrokeshire please contact us at the Conservation Team:
Article 4(2) Directions for parts of Goodwick and parts of Lower Town Fishguard have been in place since 29 February 2016. The details of the Directions are below.