Listed Buildings and Conservation Area

Listed Buildings

What is a listed building?

Listing grades

Is my building listed?

Where can I find listed buildings advice?

I want to undertake work to my Listed Building, do I need Listed Building Consent?

How do I submit an application for Listed Building Consent, and what do I need to submit?

An Owner’s responsibility

Building’s at Risk Survey


What is a Listed Building?

A building is listed to ensure that its special architectural or historical importance is fully recognised.

Listing protects the whole building both inside and out and in some cases extends to adjacent properties.

The main purpose of listing is to manage changes to the building, which would affect its character or setting as a building of special architectural or historic interest.

Listing Grades

Listed Buildings are classified in grades to show their relative importance. These grades are as follows:

  • Grade I – Buildings of exceptional, usually national, interest. There are currently less than 2% Grade I Listed Buildings in Wales, some of these are in Pembrokeshire;
  • Grade II* - Particularly important buildings of more than just special interest;
  • Grade II – Buildings of special interest, which warrant every effort being made to preserve them;
  • Grade III – Buildings of local interest.
  • Ungraded - Buildings of local interest

Is my building listed?

Listed building records for Pembrokeshire are held within the national listed buildings database held by Cadw. Search the Cadw database interactive map (opens in a new tab)

Where can I find listed buildings advice?

Listed Building advice can be found on Cadw’s website (opens in a new tab)

I want to undertake work to my Listed Building, do I need Listed Building Consent?

The table below sets out the typical scenarios when listed building consent is needed.

Works to Listed buildings - When do I need Listed building consent and planning permission

The works
Is Listed building consent needed?
Is planning permission needed?
 Like for like repairs to timber windows and doors. No No
 Like for like replacement of timber windows and doors. No  No 
 Replacement of single glazed windows/doors with double glazed units. Yes  No, unless subject to an Article 4 direction.
 Exterior re-painting with no colour change. No  No
 Exterior repainting with change of colour. Yes  No, unless subject to an Article 4 direction.
 Like for like repairs to exterior walls No  No
 Like for like repairs to roof covering. No  No 
 Change to roof covering material. Yes  Yes 
 Like for like repairs to Rainwater gutters and pipes. No  No 
 Changes to rainwater gutters and pipes. Yes No, unless subject to an Article 4 direction. 
 Alterations to roofs e.g. dormers or roof lights. Yes  No, unless subject to an Article 4 direction.
 Like for like repairs to interior joinery and plasterwork. Sometimes (Grade I) No
 Interior repainting with no colour change. No No 
 Interior re-painting in different colour scheme. Sometimes (Grade I) No 
 Partial or full demolition of building (including boundary walls and outbuildings.) Yes  Submit Prior Notification of Demolition to the Local Authority.
 Internal alterations Yes  No
 External alterations Yes Sometimes 
 Extensions. Yes  Yes 
 The attachment of an advertisement. Yes  Advertisement consent needed.


How do I submit an application for Listed Building Consent, and what do I need to submit?

Applications for listed building consent are submitted through Planning Applications Wales (open in a new tab)

We advise that you appoint a competent Architect, Surveyor or Heritage Planning Consultant with prior listed building experience to compile and submit all the information needed for the Listed Building Consent Application. The amount of detailed information needed will vary from proposal to proposal but an application will generally require the following:

Listed Building Consent Validation Checklist/Requirements

Standard Application Form (all applications will need to be presented on a Standard Application Form which is available on the local authority's website and the Planning Portal website)

Questions on form must be completed:

  • Applicant name and address
  • Agent name and address
  • Description of proposed works
  • Site address details
  • Related proposals
  • Pre-application advice
  • Neighbour and community consultation
  • Authority employee / member
  • Materials
  • Demolition
  • Listed building alterations
  • Listed building grading
  • Immunity from listing
  • Declaration
  • Completion of ownership certificate (Regulation 7 of the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Area) (Wales) Regulations 2012
Plans and relevant information (Plans, drawings or information necessary to describe the works which are the subject of the application)
  • Location plan
    • Scale 1:1250 or 1:2500.
  • North point
  • Outline the application property/site with a red line.
  • Draw a blue line around any other land owned by the applicant, close to or adjoining the application site.
  • Show the application property/site in relation to at least two named roads and surrounding buildings where possible.
  • Site Plans (existing and proposed)
    • Details of existing site layout:
      • Scale, typically 1:200 or appropriate scale (1:500) to ascertain required level of detail.
      • North point
      • Show the whole property/site, including all buildings, gardens, open spaces and car parking.
    • Details of proposed site layout:
      • Scale, typically 1:200 or 1:500
      • North point
      • Show the siting of any new building or extension, vehicular/pedestrian access, changes in levels, landscape proposals, including trees to be removed, new planting, new or altered boundary walls and fences, and new hard-surfaced open spaces.
      • Show proposals in the context of adjacent buildings/environment.
  • Other plans and drawings or information necessary to describe the subject of the application including:
    • Existing and proposed elevations
      • Scale 1:50 or 1:100 (consistent with floor plans)
      • Show every elevation of a new building or extension
      • For an extension or alteration, clearly distinguish existing and proposed elevations.
      • Include details of material and external appearance
      • Show elevations in the context of adjacent buildings, where appropriate.
    • Existing and proposed floor plans
      • Scale 1:50 or 1:100.
      • In the case of an extension, show the floor layout of the existing building to indicate the relationship between the two, clearly indicating new work.
      • In the case of minor applications it may be appropriate to combine the layout and floor plan (unless any demolition is involved).
      • Include a roof plan where necessary to show a complex roof or alteration to one.
    • Existing and proposed site sections and finished floor and site levels
      • Scale 1:50/1:100 (consistent with floor plans), where appropriate.
    • Detailed plans i.e. showing new doors, windows, shopfronts, panelling, fireplaces, plaster moulding and other decorative details, typically sections at 1:2 or 1:5 scale and elevations at 1:10 and 1:20 Scale.

Will be dependent on description of the development and what is being proposed.

Check with Conservation Officer if necessary.


Fee (No fee required)
Heritage Impact Assessment (refer to PPW TAN 24, 2017 and Cadw Guidance: Heritage Impact Assessment in Wales, 2017) / Design and Access Statement

From 1 September 2017 a Heritage Impact Statement is required to support any application for listed building consent and replaces the DAS in the application process for listed building consent.

In a small number of cases, both a DAS and a heritage impact statement may need to be submitted; for example, proposals to extend a listed building in a conservation area or World Heritage Site by the creation of floorspace of 100 square metres, or to convert a listed building to create residential development with 10 or more units.

The heritage impact assessment process should be proportionate both to the significance of the historic asset and to the degree of changes proposed.

It must include:

  • a description of proposed work, including the design principles and concepts, and a schedule of works, with reference to any photographs, plans and drawings that support the consent application
  • reasoning for the proposed works, which explains what you intend to achieve and why the works are desirable or necessary
  • a brief description of the special architectural or historic interest of the listed building and an assessment of its significance, with particular emphasis on those aspects that will be affected by the proposals
  • an assessment of the impact of the proposed work on the special architectural or historic interest of the listed building and its significance, including potential benefits and any harm
  • a summary of options and the reasons for the preferred approach

A DAS (refer to Welsh Government Guidance Design and Access Statements in Wales, 2017)) for applications for Listed Building Consent must cover, as a minimum, appearance, environmental sustainability, layout and scale and should explain how the design takes account of:

  • The special architecture or historic importance of the building
  • The particular physical features of the building (including its architectural and/or historical significance) that justify its designation as a listed building
  • The building’s setting
  • It must explain the policy or approach adopted in relation to access

An Owner’s responsibility

If you are the owner of a Listed Building or come into possession of one, you are tasked with ensuring that the property is maintained in a reasonable state of repair. All the information you require is contained within Pembrokeshire County Council’s Listed Buildings – Advice to Property Owners Leaflet. Please follow the link to obtain information regarding Listed Building Consent, unauthorized works, repairs and grants. 

Remember: It is a criminal offence to carry out any unauthorised works to a statutory listed building without first acquiring the necessary Listed Building Consent.

Building’s at Risk Survey

A Building’s at Risk Survey has recently been conducted in Pembrokeshire. Each listed building in the County has now been assessed and given a score for their condition. This will help our conservation team to identify find out those listed buildings that are vulnerable and need to be targeted for restoration or repair.


Grants for the repair of buildings of outstanding historic or architectural interest - usually those listed Grade I or II* - and for works to buildings in conservation areas, may be available from Cadw .

Recently nine historic buildings in Wales have received a grant sum of £385,247 from Welsh Assembly Government to help fund vital repairs. Among those awarded grants are the land around Foley House, a Grade II* Listed Building in Haverfordwest, receiving a total of £75,000, along with the South Sea Wall in Pembroke which has received a total of £7,500. These grants will ensure that some of our most important historic buildings are maintained for the enjoyment of future generations. Work is already underway to restore the land around Foley House, Haverfordwest.


ID: 2216, revised 31/10/2023