
Notice of applications

Licensing Act 2003

Applications for premises licences, club premises certificates, variations and reviews of current licences under the Licensing Act 2003 are listed below. These applications will remain here for the 28 day period in which representations can be made.

Notice is hereby given that the following applications have been made to Pembrokeshire County Council.


Current applications and last day for representations

Black Label Studios, Haverfordwest 14/11/2024

Mamgu Welshcakes Bakery St Davids 05/11/2024

Costa Drive Thru`, Haverfordwest 25/10/2024

Marloes Village Shop Marloes 04/07/2024


Any representations should be made no later than the date specified along side the application and to the Lead Licensing Officer, Public Protection Division, County Hall, Haverfordwest. SA61 1TP or by email to Those representations must be made in writing clearly stating the grounds upon which representations are made relevant to the Licensing Act 2003.

It is an offence, knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with the application for which a person is liable on summary conviction to a fine.

Making a representation

This guidance describes the process for making representations to the licensing authority on applications for new premises licences, club premises certificates, variations to existing premises licences or club premises certificates; or provisional statements.

The statutory representation period begins the day after we receive a valid application and lasts for 28 consecutive days. During this time, there must be at least one public notice in a local paper and a blue A4 public notice prominently displayed at the premises for the 28 consecutive days. The application will also be published on the Council’s website.

Any representations are submitted on the representations form, please remember to include your full name and postal address including the postcode. Representations must be received by the licensing authority during the representation period and for representations to be ‘relevant’ they must relate to at least one of the four licensing objectives:

  • Prevention of crime and disorder - this relates to any crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour in connection with the management of the premises. 
  • Public safety - this relates to the safety of the public on the premises, such as fire safety, lighting and first aid.
  • Prevention of public nuisance - this can relate to hours of operation, noise and vibration, noxious smells, light pollution and litter. 
  • Protection of children from harm - this relates to protecting children from the activities carried out on the premises whilst they are on the premises.

The Licensing Authority can only consider representations that are not ‘vexatious’ or ‘frivolous’.

It is helpful if the representations are specific to the premises and based on evidence. If the matter goes to a hearing, the councillors at the hearing will need to be satisfied that there is an evidential and causal link between the representations made and the effect on the licensing objectives. Within your representation you may wish to suggest amendments or a compromise to the application for the applicant to consider. 

Please remember that any representation must be factually correct. It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is level 5 on the standard scale.

Representations may not be made anonymously.  This is because the licensing authority needs to be satisfied that the person making the representation is not being vexatious. It is also important that an applicant can respond to a representation. 

In exceptional circumstances, the licensing authority may be willing to withhold some or all of the person’s personal details from the applicant. However, withholding such details should only be considered where the circumstances justify such action and the licensing authority is satisfied that the complaints are not frivolous or vexatious. 

Representations do not have to be objections, you can make representations in support of an application if you believe that it will have a positive impact on one or more of the licensing objectives.

Any representations that are received will be included in a report to the Licensing Sub-committee. This report will be a public document and will be able to be viewed on the Council’s website.

If you attend a hearing, these are normally filmed for live broadcast via the Council's website and can be viewed online by anyone who wishes to log on and view them.

Please see our Guide for other persons attending a Licensing Sub-Committee hearing 

You can send in your representation by post or email to:

ID: 3043, revised 18/10/2024