
Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing

Premises Licence

A premises licence authorises the use of the premises for one or more licensable activities, which are:

  • Sale, by retail of alcohol
  • Provision of regulated entertainment
  • Provision of late night refreshment

Before preparing any premises licence application, you should read our Statement of Licensing Policy, and follow the statutory guidance (issued by the Home Office under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003), when describing the steps you propose to take to promote the licensing objectives, which are: 

  • The prevention of crime and disorder
  •  Public safety
  • The prevention of public nuisance
  • The protection of children from harm 

Application Forms


Personal licence

We issue personal licences which allow individuals to authorise sales of alcohol at a premises - providing it has a valid premises licence – including pubs, off licences, restaurants and hotels.

Personal licence holders can also be named on a premises licence as the Designated Premises Supervisor.

How to apply

You must apply to the licensing authority for the area where you live, not the licensing authority in which you work.

The fee for this licence is £37.

Before submitting your application, we suggest you read our guidance notes  - these explain the requirements you must comply with.

Application Forms

Application for a Personal Licence

Disclosure of convictions and civil immigration penalties and declaration

All applications can be obtained by emailing or by contacting our customer service centre on 01437 764551

As a public body, we are under a duty to protect the public funds that we administer, and to this end may use  the information you have provided on this form for the prevention and detection of fraud. We may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administrating public funds for these purposes.



ID: 2057, revised 08/02/2023