Library Information


Pembrokeshire Libraries Strategy - Pembrokeshire County Council

You can read our Privacy Notice 

This notice explains why we collect and keep your personal information, how your information is used and what we do with the information we collect.

To use IT facilities in any of our Libraries, you must also agree to our Acceptable use policy

Access to PC's within Pembrokeshire Libraries

  • Registered Library Customers can access the PCs using your library card and PIN number.
  • Non registered Library Customers must complete a Visitors Form prior to using a PC / mobile device.
  • Users are allowed one session of up to one hour per day. Additional time is subject to demand and availability. A public PC terminal can also be booked up to one week in advance.
  • A maximum of two users will be allowed to use a PC terminal / mobile device at any one time.
  • Users under the age of 9 must be supervised by a parent or responsible adult (not a member of staff). Users 9-16 must have their Computer Club card with them and present the card if asked by a member of staff. A Computer Club card can be obtained by completion of the parental permission form.
  • Staff are able to assist users with basic ICT functions. - All printouts must be paid for promptly (including any printed in error). Charges for printouts are displayed at each library.
  • Users who wish to connect to the Library Service Wifi via mobile devices will first need to register an account and / or provide a member of staff with their customer details.
  • Users wanting to charge personal ICT devices are requested to use the circuit breaker and surge protectors available.

Misuse/unacceptable use

We ask all library users to remain sensitive to the fact that they are working in a public environment shared by people of all ages.

You must not:

  • Engage or undertake in any illegal activities.
  • Create or access illegal, obscene, pornographic, offensive or defamatory material.
  • Use foul, offensive or abusive language.
  • Alter, delete, add to or interfere with the equipment and software provided.
  • Infringe copyright by making unauthorised copies.
  • Create computer viruses or hack into databases where access is denied.
  • Broadcast sound or music from a PC / mobile device.
  • Watch music videos / films if more than one person is sitting at the PC / mobile device as this may be classified as public broadcasting.
  • View live television programmes (e.g. BBC iPlayer) as Pembrokeshire Libraries are not licensed for this.
  • Access websites for which you fall below the websites permitted age restriction for using i.e. Facebook / YouTube etc.

You must:

  • Respect the privacy of other PC / mobile device users.
  • Use headphones if listening to sound / music from the PCs / mobile devices.
  • Terminate your session and vacate the PC / mobile device / Wifi service promptly if asked to do so by a member of staff.
  • Abide by the terms and conditions of the websites you are accessing, including abiding by any age restriction imposed by websites for accessing their sites and creating accounts.
  • Abide by this policy.


  • Information on the internet is filtered to the best of our endeavours to prevent the display of obscene, offensive or illegal material. However we cannot guarantee the complete exclusion of undesirable material.
  • Internet filtering has also been applied on our Wifi services. Filtering levels on these services are set by the Wifi service providers.


  • Pembrokeshire County Council accepts no liability for any loss, financial or otherwise, or personal injury, direct or indirect, suffered as a result of using Pembrokeshire Library computer and ICT resources.
  • Pembrokeshire County Council accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, quality or availability of information accessed through the internet.
  • Pembrokeshire County Council reserves the right to monitor usage of Library Internet and other computer resources and equipment via software and visual checks. Any attempt by users to access prohibited sites or other unauthorised material may result in action being taken, including the withdrawal of Internet access. Any misuse that is contrary to law may result in the incident being reported to the police.
  • Failure to comply with this policy may result in staff intervention. Users are required to end their session and leave the PC / mobile device / wireless network if asked to do so by staff, regardless of how much time may be remaining in their session. Users who persist in unacceptable forms of behaviour may be temporarily or permanently excluded from using the service. 
  • Access to the internet is at the user’s own risk.
ID: 456, revised 08/05/2024