Kerbside Collection

FAQ's Kerbside Recycling

What am I able to recycle?

  • Blue Reusable Sack – Cardboard & Card
  • Blue Box – Paper, newpapers and magazines
  • Red Reusable Sack – Plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays (excluding black and brown plastic), food and beverage cartons and metal packaging including cans, tins, foil and foil trays
  • Green Caddie – Food Waste
  • Green Box – Glass Bottles and Jars
  • Household-provided clear bag – Household Batteries

The list above includes a number of new items we are now able to recycle

  • Food and beverage (Tetra Pak) cartons
  • Household batteries 
  • Plastic pots, tubs and trays

For more information on what can be recycled, look at the detailed materials guide online or why not watch out videos.

Why are there so many containers and reusable sacks?

The Welsh Government has set a target to recycle 70 per cent by 2025, which is why we  made changes to your recycling collections in order to follow the Welsh Government Collections Blueprint.

The experience of other councils in Wales shows us that the best way to increase both the quantity of waste being recycled and the quality of this recycling is with a Kerbside Sort Recycling Service like the one we have implemented.

Using separate containers and sacks for different materials is an important part of this system. This means that the recycling collected is as free from contamination by other materials as possible, so it can eventually be made into something new.

Where will I store them all? Won’t they take up too much room?

It is up to you where you store your sacks and containers as long as you put them out at the kerbside in time for collection on the right day. The sacks can be stored flat when empty, or can be stacked when full. The glass box and paper box have also been designed to be stacked to reduce the storage space required.

There is the option to purchase a stackable trolley box.

How will I store the recycling until my collection day?

There are many options available to households surrounding how they can store their recycling until their weekly collection day, the recyclables will just need to be placed in the PCC provided boxes and sacks before they are placed on the kerbside for collection.

Some households will opt to just use the PCC provided containers and store these either internally or externally. However there are other solutions which some households are already utilising, including an internal storage solution using a set of drawers to pre-sort the materials and others have opted to place all the recyclables in one container within the home and then sorting and/or decanting the recyclables into the PCC provided containers before placing the PCC containers out for collection each week.

Households have also asked if they are able to store the PCC provided sacks within a container, and the answers is yes, households can keep the red and blue recycling sacks within a container/wheelie bin. This will need to be brought to the kerbside for collection and households will need to ensure it is clear that the recycling sacks are within the container/ wheelie bin and the sacks are easy to remove for collection and this can be no larger than 240 litre for the crews to empty. 

Why am I being asked to separate my recycling?

Using separate containers and sacks for different materials is an important part of this system. It means that the recycling collected is as free from contamination by other materials as possible, so it can be made into something new.

Using this service, we are able to increase the range of recyclable materials that are collected.

This process will save the Council a significant amount of money, which can be better spent elsewhere. e.g.  on other services

This will help the County to meet its recycling targets set by Welsh Government.

This new process will save the Council a significant amount of money, which can be better spent elsewhere. e.g.  on other services

The recycling vehicles have different compartments for different materials and our recycling operatives will be putting your recycling into the right compartments at the kerbside. It would take too long (and cost too much) if they had to sort through recycling that was all mixed together. Separating out recycling and making sure it is put into the right compartment is a team effort between you and us.

What will happen if I accidently put something in the wrong container?

If you are not sure, look at the waste and recycling leaflet that has been delivered to you or look online at our guides.

It is important that everything goes in the right place and recycling containers do not contain materials that cannot be recycled. However, we know that anyone can make a mistake. If you realise that you’ve put something in the wrong container after your recycling has been collected don’t worry – just try and remember for next time.

If there are low levels of contamination, our operatives will sort the materials and leave any contamination in the containers to be put out in the correct container next time. A tag will also be left on the recycling sack or container. This is to help you recognise how the different materials should be recycled and make sure that each item is in the correct container.

If there is a large amount of contamination in your containers, you will get a tag on your recycling sack or container telling you why we have not emptied it and reminding you to put materials in the right sacks and containers next time.

Contamination may mean that the waste becomes unrecyclable and for that reason our operatives may not be able to collect your recycling.

What happens to the recycling once it is collected?

Dry recycling (cans, plastics, paper, card and glass) items are sent to reprocessing facilities where it is prepared for recycling.

Food recycling is taken to an anaerobic digestion facility in Wales. The process produces renewable energy that is put back into the national grid to power homes and communities, and a compost-type of material that can be used to fertilize land.

Garden waste is taken to a facility in Pembrokeshire where it is turned into compost.

Nappies and incontinence waste (that are collected separately at the kerbside) are recycled here in Wales.

For information about our recycling destinations: My Recycling Wales

To learn more about the process for each of the materials we send for recycling: Kerbside Recycling Guidelines

What if I have a large cardboard box?

Only cardboard that will fit in the reusable sack will be taken. If you have a large cardboard box, this will need to be folded, ripped or cut up and placed in the blue bag in order for it to fit on the collection vehicle. Alternatively, it can be taken to your local Waste and Recycling Centre

How will a disabled or infirm resident get all of these new receptacles to the kerbside?

If a resident is physically unable to present their waste/recycling on the kerbside, and do not have any  family members, friends or neighbours who are unable to help then they can request an assisted collection.You can also contact the Waste and Recycling team who will be able to review individuals requirements, please contact us at or via the contact centre on 01437 764551

If a householder already has an assisted collection for waste and recycling this will continue.

Will waste operatives be asked not to throw bags/boxes and place them back on the kerbside?

A considerable amount of training has been undertaken with our operatives in regards to the new service, including how to return the bags/boxes correctly.

Will orange bags still be used?

The majority of households across the County have moved away from orange bags.  Other areas, including specific flats, will see the new kerbside scheme rolled out in the following  18-24 months and will gradually take on the new receptacles and collections.

How many different receptacles will there be and what will go in each?

A total of five.

  • glass box (green)
  • paper box with lid (blue)
  • food caddy (green)
  • re-usable sack for cardboard (blue)
  • re-usable sack for plastic, cartons and cans (red)

Why aren't you collecting sanitary waste for recycling like nappies and incontinence waste?

At present, these materials should continue to be placed in your residual black bag. The service for absorbent hygiene products, excludes sanitary waste. As many households produce low levels of sanitary waste compared to nappies and incontinence waste levels, it is not a targeted waste item.


I am struggling to fit all the recycling materials in the bags and containers. Can I have more?

Yes,  ofcourse if households require more containers for their recycling are available and can be collected from one of our collection points.

However make sure you are squashing/ crushing recyclable’s placed in the red bag such as cans and plastic bottles to utilise the space in the bag.

How do I get extra recycling containers if I need more than 1, or if my containers need replacing? 

If you require a glass box, food waste caddies or food waste bags these can be collected from a number of locations across the county, click here to see your nearest location. Whilst we are arranging locations points for the new recycling containers additional or replacement containers can be required via My Account or the Contact Centre.

Can I put shredded paper in the blue paper box?

Yes, shredded paper can be collected via the blue paper box, we are suggesting that households place it in a bag (paper or plastic carrier bag) within the box to contain the shredded paper.

Can I place the recycling sacks in a container/ wheelie bin for collection?

Yes, residents can keep the red and blue recycling sacks within a container/wheelie bin. This will need to be brought to the kerbside for collection and residents will need to ensure it is clear that the recycling sacks are within the container/ wheelie bin and the sacks are easy to remove for collection and this can be no larger than 240 litre for the crews to empty.  

I am staying on orange bags. Can I put extra materials in the orange bags that residents on the new kerbside sort can put in their containers?

Yes there are a small number of households remaining on the Orange Bag system at present as it was not possible to roll out to all households at once.

The Orange Bag System now includes an increased range of items, including cans, tins, empty aerosols, foil and foil trays, plastic bottles, tubs, pots and trays (excluding black/brown plastic and film), paper, card and cardboard.

At this time we are unable to collect food and beverage cartons or batteries through the Orange Bag system but these are recyclable at your nearest Waste and Recycling Centre, until we are able to include you on the kerbside sort recycling system.

ID: 5498, revised 17/10/2023