How to Tender Guide

Wellbeing and Ethical Trading in the Supply Chain

Wellbeing Of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015

We strive to deliver the goals of the Well-being of future generations Wales Act 2015 through a holistic approach to our procurement processes and will include, where relevant, specific provision within our tender documents.

Ethical Employment in Supply Chains

The Code of Practice “ Ethical Employment in Supply Chains” has been established to help ensure workers in public sector supply chains in Wales are employed in a fair and ethical way. The scope of the Code of Practice covers procurement, supplier selection, tendering, contract management and supplier management.

Modern Day Slavery Act

Procurement has an important role to play in addressing Modern Slavery by ensuring that sourcing strategies enables the reward of suppliers with good employment practices rather than purchasing in a manner that drives the use of modern slavery practices.

Community Benefits

Pembrokeshire County Council is committed to promoting Sustainable Development through our policies, strategies and services, thus achieving best value for money in the widest sense. The aim is to build stronger communities, reduce social exclusion and poverty and encourage the development of the economy.

Furthermore, our duty to comply with the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 requires us to seek to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of the County in all that we do. Therefore our commitment to pursuing Community Benefits through our procurement activity will support this aim by incorporating the Welsh Governments Community Benefits Measurement Tool into our tender process wherever possible .

The Community Benefit’s Measurement Tool has been developed to monitor and capture figures such as; Social Inclusion, Economic Inactivity in Targeted recruitment & training, supply chain initiatives, community initiatives, promotion of social enterprises & supported businesses, contribution to education, promoting environmental benefits & retention and training for the existing workforce into contracts.

Examples of such community benefits are:

  • Targeted Recruitment & Training e.g. provide training and employment opportunities to economically inactive persons.
  • Supply Chain Initiatives e.g. engage with local business, Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s and the Third Sector through “Meet the Buyer” events to increase subcontracting opportunities.
  • Education Initiatives e.g. work with local schools and communities to help unemployed young persons gain work experience through apprenticeships or voluntary work.
  • Community Initiatives e.g. contribute to existing Community Schemes/Funds.
  • Environment Initiatives e.g. reduce waste to landfill.

Please note that Community Benefits can only be evaluated and scored (i.e. make up part of the award criteria) if they are core to the contract. If they are non-core then they will not form part of the evaluation, however they will be contractually binding.

Each specific tender exercise will clearly state whether Community Benefits have been included as a core or non-core requirement and how your response will be evaluated.

ID: 10856, revised 14/12/2023