Highways Development
Highway Records
For confirmation on the status and extent of roads/verges etc. in Pembrokeshire. Our Highway Records Officer can provide details upon request.
The interactive map shows the adopted roads, maintainable at public expense but does not include any registered public rights of way which can be found at view the consolidated definitive map.
Adopted roads are shown coloured blue with all other roads deemed to be either private or in some instances subject to a road adoption agreement. Whilst every effort has been made to provide an accurate extent to include adoptable highway verge etc wherever possible, the extents shown on plan should be considered as illustrative only due to scale and base map detail. For confirmation on the status of roads shown as unadopted (to include those roads subject to road adoption agreements) or further clarification on the extent of the adopted highway in relation to an area of land / property please contact our Highway Searches team at highwaysearches@pembrokeshire.gov.uk
Please note that the interactive map is for illustrative purposes only and is not intended for legal purposes, any information used should be regarded as guidance only with the map being subject to regular updates and any recent changes may not be reflected within the map.