Highways Development

Highways Development

As the County Highway Authority our specialist Officers can provide a wide range of pre-application advice to assist members of the public and developers preparing to submit a planning application to Pembrokeshire County Council. 

We welcome and encourage discussions before a planning application is submitted. Past experience has shown that discussions result in an improved application that is more likely to be successfully approved on highways matters. We have found that the pre-application process can reduce the overall costs by cutting down on further work and time at the application stage. 

What is Pre-Planning Application (Pre-App) advice?   

Pre-App advice is informal advice that can be obtained from Pembrokeshire County Council before a potential applicant commits to a planning application. This advice comprises of a written or emailed response that identifies relevant highway considerations should a planning application be submitted, and also provides an informal view from a Highway Officer.  

What is the status of Pre-App advice?  

Every effort will be made by the County Highway Authority to provide accurate and consistent pre-application advice in line with National and Local Planning Policies. All advice is offered upon an assessment made, without prejudice, in relation to the information provided at that time and based upon its own merit. This is not a guarantee that planning permission would be granted and it would not prejudice the Council when dealing with any subsequent related planning application. All pre-application advice will clarify this position.

What does a Pre-App enquiry need to contain?  

All Pre-App enquiries can be made in writing, emailed or submitted using the on line link. If you would like to use the Pre-App service, the Pre-App advice form must be completed with any necessary additional information also supplied.  

As a minimum, the following information should be included:  

  • Your name and address (including email)
  • Site Location plan with the site boundary indicated in red
  • Full description of your proposal 
  • Schedule of existing uses, planning history with reference numbers (if applicable)
  • Summary of reasons supporting site access/highway work proposals with achievable visibility splays indicated (if applicable)
  • Parking strategy for all modes of transport (if applicable) 

The type and level of information to accompany a Pre-App submission should reflect the complexity and potential impact of the proposal. Please contact us if you are unsure as to the level of information that should be provided.   

What are the benefits of getting this advice?  

It can: 

  • Identify schemes which have little or no realistic chance of obtaining planning permission and highlight any fundamental issues. This could minimize abortive costs for schemes that are unlikely to be successful.
  • Provide guidance on the level of information needed to make a valid planning application. 
  • Provide guidance on how to resolve any potential issues before a formal planning application is submitted, thereby making the process of obtaining planning permission smoother. 
  • Identify any important organisations with whom you might need to consult before submitting a planning application.
  • Explain whether you need to discuss your proposals with community and other related groups and/or elected members before submitting a planning application.
  • Potentially reducing the time and cost involved in working up proposals 

What will the advice look like?  

The Pre-App advice will be delivered by email or letter. In some cases, a request may be made for additional information to enable detailed advice to be provided. A meeting either at the Council offices or on-site may be requested if a Highway Officer feels this is necessary in order to provide detailed advice.    

Is there a charge for a Pre-App enquiry?  

Yes, the standard fee for a pre application is £40.00, the fee will be payable by the enquirer. Without receiving the appropriate fee, pre-application advice will not be provided. If your request is submitted on our website or via email, a member of our team will contact you to 

arrange payment which can be paid over the phone. This is the quickest and easiest method allowing you to receive immediate payment confirmation. 

If you are sending your request in the post cheques need to made payable to Pembrokeshire County Council, please ensure your site address is clearly quoted on the back.  

What quality of service can you expect to receive?   

Our aim is to respond as quickly as possible. 

  • Acknowledge receipt of your Pre-App enquiry.
  • To provide a written Pre-App response within 21 days, unless an extension of time has been first agreed between the Highway Authority and the enquirer. 
  •  Relevant policies and guidance
  • The relevant level of detail and supporting information necessary to provide a valid assessment of highways and transport issues
  • Whether a contribution towards highways and/or transport improvements is likely to be required 
  • Suitability of access and parking arrangements
  • Identification of work required concerning highway improvements as a result of your proposal
  • Identify any road safety issues
  • Assist in the speeding up the planning decision

Submission of pre-app enquiries

If you would like to request pre application advise please submit your request using the on line link which you can upload a maximum of 4 supporting documents, once the team has received your request a member of the team will contact you. Should you have more than 4 supporting documents then please send your request to hwdcconsult@pembrokeshire.gov.uk


Pre-application Advice Enquiry Form - Highways Development Control (opens in a new tab)


Alternately you can send your request via post to

Highways Development Control

County Hall

Freemans Way



SA61 1TP

Tel: 01437 764551


Other useful contacts within our team:


Useful Links:

Designing and modifying residential streets - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) (opens in a new tab)


ID: 5621, revised 10/11/2023