Elections and Voting

Voter ID

From 4 May 2023, voters in Wales will need to show photo ID to vote at polling stations in some elections.

This will apply to:

  • Police and Crime Commissioner elections
  • UK parliamentary by-elections
  • Recall petitions


From October 2023 it will also apply to UK General elections.


Approved types of photo ID

You must show an approved form of photo ID to vote.

Only original documents can be accepted. If your photo ID has expired, it will be accepted if the photograph is still a good likeness of you.

The most commonly used and accepted forms of ID include:

  • UK Passport
  • Driving License
  • Older Person's Bus Pass
  • Disabled Persons Bus Pass
  • Blue Badge

Full list of acceptable forms of ID (opens in a new tab)


What to do if you do not have an approved form of photo ID

If you do not have an approved form of photo ID. you will need to apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate (VAC).

You can Apply online for a VAC through the GOV.UK website (opens in a new tab) 

You can apply for a VAC by printing and filling in the paper form (opens in a new tab) and sending to the Electoral Services Team.

You can also email or call our Electoral Services Team to request a print of the form.

Once you receive your VAC, it will have no expiry date. However, it is advised that you renwe your VAC in 10 years to ensure the photo remains a true likeness of you.

The deadline to apply for a VAC will be 5pm, six working days before the election date.


Voting by Post

If you chose to vote by post, you will not be affected and will be issued with your postal ballot papers as usual.


Voting by Proxy

If you're unable to vote in person you can ask someone to vote on your behalf. Your proxy should be someone you trust to vote on your behalf, and will need to take their own photo ID.

If they do not have photo ID, they will not be given a ballot paper.


The next scheduled election in Pembrokeshire where you will need to show photo ID or a VAC to vote will be the Police ad Crime Commissioner Election in May 2024.


For more information on voter ID, visit the Electoral Commission Website (opens in a new tab)


Contact Us

If you need any help with your application, please contact us on: electoralservices@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or on: (01437) 775844





ID: 6656, revised 06/01/2025