Elections and Voting

Electoral Registration Canvass 2024

There have been two elections this year but the annual canvass is still a legal requirement and will be carried out by Local Authorities across the UK.

We are required to keep our register of eligible voters up to date. Over the next few weeks we will contact every household to find out if the details on the electoral register are correct.

Your household may be contacted by:

  • email
  • phone
  • post

Many residents will have already received an email asking to check and confirm their details but if not you will receive a letter in the post in the next week. If you have already confirmed your details for this year via the email we sent then you will not receive a form.

What do you need to do?

You must read the form you receive carefully. The instructions on the front of the form will provide details on exactly what you need to do.

You must make sure that everyone who lives at your address, and is over 14, are included.

If you need to update your details on the electoral register it's important that you respond as soon as you can - this means reminders don't have to be sent.

Please respond online if you can by following the instructions on the form you are sent.

It takes just a few minutes online.

Step one:

Visit the website: Update your details (opens in a new tab)

Step two:

Enter your unique security code:

Part 1: 12345

Part 2: 6789


Step three:

Update your household information and submit.

Include the names and nationalities of everyone who lives at this address.

If you add any new people they will also need to complete a registration application. They can do this at: Register to Vote (opens in a new tab)

We will send each person a form if they do not apply online.

letter to check who is eligible to register to vote

























Please note:

14-16 year olds and qualifying foreign nationals living in Wales can register to vote.

By registering to vote a young person and qualifying foreign national, from the age of 16 or over, can now take part in Local Government and Senedd elections.

Further information about registering to vote can be found on the Electoral Commission (opens in a new tab) website.

Our Electoral Services Team can be contacted by e-mail: electoralservices@pembrokeshire.gov.uk or by telephone: (01437) 775844.

Frequently asked questions

What should I do if I haven't received a form?

The forms are being dispatched over the coming weeks.

Who do I contact if I haven't received one?

The team can be contacted by emailing: electoralservices@pembrokeshire.gov.uk 

If you need to contact us by telephone, call: 01437 775844

What is the form for?

The law requires us to ensure that the electoral register is kept up to date by writing out to each household in the area annually. This identifies people who need to register to vote so that they can take part in future elections.

I've only been in my property a few weeks - what should I do?

You should follow the simple steps set out on the form. Following these steps will ensure you get registered to vote at your new address.

I've recently moved into a new build what should I do?

If you have received a form you should follow the simple steps set out on the form. Following these steps will ensure you get registered to vote at your new address.

Why do you keep sending me these forms?

The law requires us to send out a canvass form every year. If you do not reply we must send you reminders. Please respond to the form as soon as possible so as we don't have to send reminders.

Why do you need the details of my 14/15 year old son/daughter?

14 to 16 year-olds can register to vote as the voting age for the Senedd and Local Government elections has been reduced to 16.

Can people of any nationality register to vote?

Qualifying foreign citizens over 16 will be able to vote at Senedd and Local Government elections.

I am not interested in voting so do I have to return the form?

It is a legal requirement to register to vote. It is up to you whether you vote at an election. Please remember that not registering to vote can affect your credit score as the credit companies make checks against the electoral register.

I need to respond but I don't have a return envelope included, what must I do?

Please respond to the form online by following the simple steps set out on the form. If you cannot respond online you can return the form with amendments, to the address shown at the top of page 1 on the form.

ID: 11939, revised 27/01/2025