Definitive Map

What is a Public Right of Way?

A public right of way is a highway which can be used by anybody at any time to make a bona fide journey, taking a reasonable rest along the way. The classification of a right of way is determined by the nature of the public rights along them.

There are 4 types of rights of way:


Footpaths can be used only by walkers, although you are permitted to take a pram, pushchair or wheel chair. These are signed with a yellow waymarker.


A bridleway can be used by walkers, horse riders and cyclists. These are signed with a blue waymarker.

Byways Open to All Traffic 

Byways (or BOATs) are available for use by walkers, horse riders, cyclists, horse drawn carts and vehicles. These are signed with a red waymarker.

Restricted Byway 

A restricted bridleway can be used by walkers, horse riders, cyclists and non-mechanically propelled vehicles (such as horse drawn carriages).

ID: 2220, revised 25/01/2022