Definitive Map

The Consolidated Definitive Map

The Definitive Map is the County Council's legal record of public rights of way that exist in Pembrokeshire.  It shows public footpaths, bridleways, byways open to all traffic (BOATs) and restricted byways. There may be rights of way that are not shown on the map. The appearance of a path on the Definitive Map is conclusive proof of its existence in law.  However the reverse is not true.  The fact that a right of way is not recorded on the map, along a particular route, is not evidence that there is no right of way along that route.  Similarly, higher rights, for example bridleway rights may exist along a route shown only as a public footpath.

The 2010 Consolidated Definitive Map and Statement replaces the original Map.  It now includes areas that were not formally part of Pembrokeshire County Council administrative area due to boundary changes.  It also includes all confirmed legal and evidential changes that have taken place between 1960 and 2010.  The current map is published at a scale of 1:10,000 as opposed to the 1:25,000 scale for the previous map, this is to enable easier viewing.  The map is intended to be viewed at a scale of 1:10,000 or smaller. 

View the Consolidated Definitive Map (opens in a new tab)

The Definitive Map can also be seen during normal working hours at County Hall, Haverfordwest, please make an appointment to ensure that someone can assist you with your enquiry. 

The Definitive Statement

The Definitive Statement is a written description of all public rights of way. The majority of statements have not been revised since the original definitive map was prepared. 

The Relevant Date for the Consolidated Definitive Map and Statement

The "relevant date" for this consolidated Definitive Map and Statement is the 14th June 2010.  This is the date on which the documents are conclusive evidence as to the particulars contained within them. 

ID: 2218, revised 31/10/2023