
Crematorium Customer Charter

Parc Gwyn Crematorium is situated some two miles from Narberth. Cremations are carried out daily Monday to Saturday, and the grounds are open to visitors seven days a week. During the period 1 November to 31 January, visitors may call between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm and from 1 February to 31 October, the hours are from 10:00am to 5:00pm. There is ample car parking space and public toilets are available.

You can expect:

  • An efficient and courteous service which meets your needs;
  • The right to organise a funeral in accordance with your wishes;
  • Advice from suitably qualified and trained staff members;
  • Assistance in organising a funeral without a Funeral Director; if you wish
  • A funeral service to be carried out in a dignified manner;
  • The cremation of a body always takes place within twentyfour hours of the service unless it has been agreed beforehand;
  • To receive a response to any communication within 5 working days of receipt of request

In November 1999, Pembrokeshire County Council adopted the Charter for the Bereaved. This document sets out 33 rights that the bereaved may exercise. Copies of the Charter may be purchased from the Crematorium Office.

Did you know?

  • About 1300 cremations are carried out at Parc Gwyn each year. The Crematorium is self-funding in the long term and is not subsidised from the Council Tax. The Crematorium has specialist equipment which allows cremation to take place, whilst complying with the latest environmental protection legislation. The service operating costs are in excess of £400,000 per annum.
  • Parc Gwyn is a member of the Federation of Cremation Authorities and operates according to their Code of Practice

How you can help us

  • Treat the facility with respect.
  • Do not park so as to block other vehicles in. or in the drives where you may prevent access for fire or ambulance services in an emergency. A blocked vehicle may belong to someone attending the previous service and you may prevent them leaving for up to three-quarters of an hour, causing them great distress.
  • Smoking is permitted in the crematorium grounds, but please use the ashtray provided for cigarette butts if you need to smoke before entering the Chapel.
  • A service may follow immediately after your own so, after attending a service, leave the area set aside for floral tributes as soon as practicable. When a service is in progress please remember that loud conversations can be disconcerting for other mourners.
  • If you have any concerns or complaints, please contact the Superintendent & Registrar who will readily listen and do his upmost to resolve any problems. 
ID: 159, revised 22/02/2023