
Introduction and Context

Environment (Wales) Act 2016 Part 1 - Section 6

Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) is an organisation:

  • that own/occupy an office building and whose functions are not directly connected to biodiversity and/or land management.
  • that own, occupy or manage land and our their own buildings and grounds, whose functions are connected with biodiversity and/or land management, or that can influence those who own or manage land.
  • that own or manage land beyond their own grounds, whether their functions are connected with biodiversity and/or land management or not.
    • Vice County VC 45 although does not have Planning Function for the area within Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority;
    • PCC is subject to the Well-being of Future Generations (WFG) Act, is a  statutory member of the Public Service Board and has a published well-being plan.
  • Enhancing biodiversity contributes to and is affected by PCC’s commitment to supporting Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership, Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation, Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation, Carmarthen Bay and Estuaries European Marine Site, Milford Haven Waterway Environmental Surveillance Group and as WLGA Representative on the Welsh Government Marine Protected Area Management Steering Group.
  • PCC Conservation Team consists of Common Land Officer, Definitive Map Officer, Landscape Officer, Historic Buildings Conservation Officer, Specialist Advisor Ecologist (post provides planning ecology function for PCNPA), Biodiversity Officer and hosts the Biodiversity Implementation Officer (Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership).
  • Relevant corporate policies, objectives, performance indicators and monitoring arrangements are embedded across departments, each area will likely be developing an approach for reporting S6 activities with reference to the PCC S6 plan. This is co-ordinated by the Biodiversity Officer. 
  • Enhancing biodiversity support other policies and plans across the authority and there are specific objectives and actions within these plans:  
  • Well-being Plan 2018-19
    • Protect our environment (Priority 4, and Objective 5)
  • Well-being Plan Projects – Environmental and Climate Change Risk Assessment.
  • Corporate Plan and Programme for Administration 2019-20
    • We will promote pride in Pembrokeshire seeking to enhance its reputation as a place for exceptional environmental quality (Objective 5, monitored quarterly).Action - to maintain and enhance the quality of all aspects of the environment in Pembrokeshire and its natural biodiversity (monitored quarterly).
  • Planning Service Plan 2019-20
    • Objective - Looking at how we manage our land to enhance green infrastructure including for example creating wildlife corridors making it easier for species to move from one area to another and help existing populations of key species to be more resilient (PL1901-5.2, monitored quarterly).
ID: 8528, revised 09/03/2023