
Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership

‘Nature’ means all living organisms and the ecological complexes (including non-living elements and processes) of which they are part. It includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems; the resilience of ecosystems; the services they provide to society and the way in which humans interact with nature.

Nature is everywhere: in gardens, fields, hedgerows, mountains, cliffs and in the sea. Its abundance and diversity is a key element of the natural systems that sustain us through ecosystem services such as pollination of crops, flood alleviation, pest control and water purification. Access to natural areas is also an aspect of quality of life, giving us pleasure, interest and understanding of our environment.

At a local level, nature is a particularly important component of Pembrokeshire’s distinctiveness. The County is justly famous for its magnificent coast, thronged with birds and carpeted with wild flowers in the spring, its quiet estuaries, steep wooded valleys and wide sweeps of heathland in the Preseli Hills. The sea and sea bed around the Pembrokeshire coast are rich in species, some of which are of considerable economic importance. 

Many organizations work together in Pembrokeshire to maintain and improve local natural features. Together, they form the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership. We are building on existing partnerships and initiatives and developing new networks and mechanisms to deliver nature conservation aims as set out in our local action plans. You can download the Partnership’s Action plans and reports on completed projects.

The Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership exists to:

Co-ordinate, promote and record existing and new actions to conserve, promote and enhance nature in the County of Pembrokeshire, including the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, the inshore waters and seabed around the Pembrokeshire coast to 12 miles offshore, taking account of local and national priorities .

To get involved in volunteering in nature conservation, for advice on managing your land for wildlife, or for any further information, please contact us: 

Ant Rogers
Biodiversity Implementation Officer
Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership
Conservation Team
County Hall
SA61 1TP

Tel:01437 764551

We collect and use your personal information so that we can provide you with information and networking opportunities, develop projects and share best practice in nature conservation in line with our Terms of Reference and Working Guidance for the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership and the Fair Processing Notice. These are available below, or by contacting the Biodiversity Implementation Officer. We will never use your data for any purpose other than the legitimate functions of the Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership.


Read our Privacy notice

This notice explains why we collect and keep your personal information, how your information is used and what we do with the information we collect.


Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership Current Members

  • Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
  • Ateb
  • Bluestone Resort
  • Buglife
  • Bumblebee Conservation Trust
  • CLA Cymru
  • Cwm Arian Renewable Energy
  • Darwin Centre
  • Dwr Cymru Welsh Water
  • Farmer’s Union of Wales
  • First Milk
  • Folly Farm
  • Friends of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park
  • Keep Wales Tidy
  • National Trust
  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services
  • Pembrokeshire Coastal Forum
  • Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority
  • Pembrokeshire County Council
  • Plantlife
  • Princes Gate
  • RSPB Cymru
  • Sea Trust
  • Tir Coed
  • Welsh Government (funded by)
  • West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre
  • West Wales Rivers Trust
  • Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales


Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership - Management Structure

Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership - Terms of Reference

Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership Terms of Reference - Appendix 2: Working Guidance

Privacy Notice - Pembrokeshire Nature Partnership

ID: 1973, revised 06/03/2025