
Site Management Advice

If you have arrived at this website by scanning the QR code on a sign in the field, you will find site-specific management advice below.

Dowrog Common Road Verges, St David’s 

Between the markers at this location is a key area for a number of rare plants. Do not mow during the flowering season (Spring and early Summer) to allow the plant to set seed. For more information contact Trevor Theobald on 01437 764551 or email

Sutton Mountain

This area is managed to encourage Spring Squill (Scilla verna). Whilst this flower is common on the coast, it is not often found inland. Before mowing this area, please contact Trevor Theobald on 01437 764551 or email

Sydney Rees Way, Haverfordwest

Bee Orchids (Ophrys apifera) are known to grow in this area. Please do not mow between March and August or pick the flowers - leave them for others to enjoy and for the plants to set seed. For more information contact Trevor Theobald on 01437 764551 or email

Parc Gwyn Crematorium

Small areas of native wildflowers have been planted within the larger green spaces at this crematorium site. These areas are not mown during the flowering season (April to September) to allow flowers to set seed. When mown in early Autumn, it is important to remove all the cuttings. For more information on wildflower meadows, see Pembrokeshire Meadows (opens in a new tab) and 'It's for them' Welsh Government YouTube (opens in a new tab) 
Native daffodils have been planted under the copse of trees at this crematorium site. These daffodils flower between February and March. It is important that the foliage is not cut until it has started to turn yellow and wither (from mid-April onwards).
For more information, contact Biodiversity Team 01437 764551 or email


ID: 2061, revised 31/10/2023