

Funding Advice

Comic Relief  ~ young people 

BIG Lottery 

Heritage Lottery

Tudor Trust positive change in communities   

Carnegie Uk Trust flourishing towns and community wellbeing:

Esmee Fairbairn Focuses on arts, children and young people 

Community Shares 

If a project provides a long term social benefit, and is a community asset rather than an event, community shares could be an engaging way to raise funds. Offering your community the opportunity to own shares, will attract investors who will be very supportive advocates of your project.


Crowd Funding is popular but not appropriate for every project, consider the following.

  • Who is your crowd?Other than your local community and beneficiaries are there other organisations or groups with similar ideas that can help you promote your project to bring in additional contributions?
  • Do you have adequate time, support and capacity in your group to run a successful crowd funding campaign?
  • Is your financial target realistic and achievable?
  • Can you keep the initial interest and momentum going?
ID: 4351, revised 28/02/2022