
Give your application the best chance

  • Read the funder’s guidelines to ensure your project meets their aims and objectives.
  • Contact organisations to ask whether your proposal is something they would support before completing applications.
  • Check deadline dates and allow enough time for the project development. It’s also essential to consider other match funding deadlines fit with the timeframe

Remember the ‘five Ws’ to explain your project:

What... will be delivered?

Why...referring to evidence of project need and resulting differences the project will make

Who...will deliver the project, who will benefit from the project and how?

Where...will the project take place, including ownership details deeds or lease

When...will the project commence, be completed or will it be ongoing?


  • When describing your organisation include aims, objectives, the date the organisation started, your legal status and charity registration number (if applicable).
  • Emphasis the differences your project will make.  
  • Phased stages for larger projects may enable a selection of grants from a wider range of funders.
  • Attach all the necessary accompanying documentation required such as constitution, project plan, budget, copy of accounts, case studies/evidence.
ID: 4346, revised 17/04/2023