
Cemeteries Fees and Charges

Purchase of exclusive right of burial (EROB) 100 years

  • Next in line at time of burial (full coffin): £1188.50
  • Next in line at time of burial (cremated remains only):£594.00

Excavation of a grave

Monday to Friday (18 years of age and over)

  • Excavation of a grave (1st Interment to a depth of single, double or treble): £1004.00
  • Excavation of a grave (subsequent interments): £974.50
  • Burial of cremated remains (Loose or casket burial): £211.50

Includes re-instatement, levelling and re-turf / seeding of grave within first year following all burials

Burial of a child: No charge

The excavation of an earthen grave to accept the full burial, or the cremated remains of a child under the age of 18 years is free of charge. If same grave is used at a later date for someone aged 18 years and over, fees for excavation and memorial permit shall then apply.

Additional burial fees

  • Transfer of grave ownership (EROB): £34.50
  • Re-instatement or removal of a damaged or dilapidated memorial: Price on application
  • Exhumation of cremated remains in a container: £211.50
  • Excavation to permit exhumation of a coffin or cremated remains container at full burial depth: £974.50
  • Extra Surcharge for burial to be held on a Saturday (coffin burials): £330.00
  • Extra Surcharge for burial to be held on a Saturday (cremated remains): £164.50

Memorial permits for all purchased (EROB) graves

The exclusive right of burial must be purchased before a memorial permit can be issued. Combinations of memorial installations incur permit fees for each part of the memorial, the fee applies to all those commemorated on the memorial 18 years and over. New & existing kerb memorials may be maintained, inscribed and replaced like for like within traditional sections of our cemeteries.

  • Installation of a memorial - Not exceeding 4ft in height x 3ft in width x 1ft 6" front to back **height on cremated remains plots to not exceed 2ft**: £264.00
  • Installation of plaque, tablet, footstone etc - Not exceeding 1ft in height x 2ft in width x 1ft 6" front to back. If being added to an existing memorial then the additional inscription fee shall apply: £264.00
  • Installation of full length kerbs or grave cover slab - Not exceeding 1ft in height x 3ft in width x 7ft front to back: £395.00
  • Installation of half length kerbs or grave cover slab - Not exceeding 1ft in height x 3ft in width x 7ft front to back: £264.00
  • Installation of kerbs or grave cover slab with integral head / foot piece - Kerbs not exceeding 1ft in height x 3ft in width x 7ft front to back with integral head/foot piece up to 3ft high replacing one kerb: £528.00
  • Additional inscription of an existing memorial: £66.00
  •  Replacement of an existing memorial on a ‘like for like’ basis: No charge for permit
  • Repair of damage to, or instability, to an existing memorial: No charge for permit


ID: 2541, revised 23/04/2024

Questions People Ask About Burials

Why are graves dug so deep?

Why are there so many different types of grave available at some cemeteries?

I have a lawn grave. Why can't I put a full memorial over the surface of the grave?

Are graves filled in straight after a funeral or are they left to the next day?

I understand that some people wait while the grave is filled in. Why is this?

Can anyone witness the grave being filled?

I've got a lawn grave. When will I be able to put a memorial onto it?

Why have I only been sold the grave for a set period of time? - I want the grave forever!

I own the grave - can anyone else be buried in it if I don't want them to?

I am told the grave is for two people - there is only one person in the grave and I now want two more burials to take place in the grave.

What happens when the lease expires?

Who is responsible for the memorial?

What happens if/when all the owners have died?

Why can't I have what I want on the grave?

Why is a permit for a memorial needed?

I want to bury cremated remains into the grave. Why do I have to decide whether there will be any more burials before this can be done?


Why are graves dug so deep? (It's distressing to see the coffin go down so deep)

Graves have to be dug to a sufficient depth to allow for future burials to take place. A grave needs to be deep enough to allow for the depth of the coffins/caskets that will be buried there. There are also legal requirements regarding the depth of undisturbed earth between each coffin and the amount of earth that must cover the last coffin.

Why are there so many different types of grave available at some cemeteries?

Some authorities have introduced a wide range of graves to give people as many options as possible when they have to arrange a burial. For historical and practical reasons, Pembrokeshire County Council offers only lawn graves, which are considered by a majority of people to be the best option due to the fact that they are easy to maintain in a tidy condition. However, in some parts of the U.K. graves that permit a more traditional, elaborate and larger type of memorial are available. Vaults and mausolea, or even burial above ground in a Catacomb are available at some cemeteries. For those who request it, Pembrokeshire County Council can arrange for a lawn grave to be vaulted below ground, though only an ordinary lawn grave memorial is permitted.

I have a lawn grave. Why can't I put a full memorial over the surface of the grave?

The lawn grave was designed on the war grave principle (to have only a memorial of limited size at the head of the grave with the rest of the grave laid to lawn). In this manner the limited area available for burial is best utilised. In addition maintenance is easier to accomplish with large mowing machinery being used to keep the area in a neat condition. These graves are sold on the understanding that only lawn style memorials are erected. Full memorials are only permitted on traditional graves in the older parts of the cemeteries in Pembrokeshire.

Are graves filled in straight after a funeral or are they left to the next day?

Graves are prepared for burial at least one full day before the funeral and are covered overnight. The ICCM Guiding Principles for Burial Services states that immediately after the mourners have departed the graveside, the grave shall be entirely back-filled and made tidy. This work is completed on the day of the burial and coffins should not be left uncovered overnight.

I understand that some people wait while the grave is filled in. Why is this?

Some cultures require that the grave is filled in while the family watch or they may wish to undertake the back-filling of the grave themselves. When families want this it is essential that the cemetery is made aware of their requirements when the burial is first arranged. This will ensure that the family's wishes are met and that their safety is protected during the back-filling process.

Can anyone witness the grave being filled?

Yes, but the cemetery will need to be advised of this before the funeral takes place so that they are prepared.

I've got a lawn grave. When will I be able to put a memorial onto it?

In cemeteries where continuous concrete foundations have been laid memorials can be erected on lawn graves, 'almost' immediately.

Where individual foundations are provided for lawn memorials ideally these will be situated on ground at the head end of the grave that has not been disturbed. In these circumstances and with the use of ground anchors and fixings that comply with the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) Recommended Code of Practice, it is still possible to erect a memorial almost immediately. This is the situation in the majority of circumstances in Pembrokeshire.

In cemeteries where the headstone is erected directly on the excavated area of the grave there may be a period stipulated in the cemetery regulations which gives the ground time to settle and consolidate. During this period the cemetery staff should monitor any sinking that becomes apparent and top up periodically with topsoil until settlement ceases. This period may differ around the country due to differing soil types and conditions. Even after settlement has ceased it is advisable to ensure that your memorial mason adopts the NAMM Code of Practice as mentioned above.

Why have I only been sold the grave for a set period of time? - I want the grave forever!

Local authorities are not authorised to sell the land in which the burial is to take place. Cemeteries law stipulates that only the exclusive right of burial in a grave can be sold. This right may be granted for a period of no more than 100 years. Some authorities restrict this right to as little as 25 years (100 years in Pembrokeshire). The law does permit the period of right of burial to be added to and to be handed down the generations, so the grave can stay in the family for as long as they wish. However, ownership will never be issued for more than 100 years at any one time. Some authorities write to owners at appropriate intervals offering the opportunity to extend their right of burial. Even where this option to extend is not offered, the owner of the right of burial can renew the right at the end of the term.

I own the grave - can anyone else be buried in it if I don't want them to?

No. Graves cannot be opened without the permission in writing of the registered owner of the right of burial. The only exception to this is where the burial is to be that of the registered owner. The law protects your rights as registered owner.

I am told the grave is for two people - there is only one person in the grave and I now want two more burials to take place in the grave.

When a grave is purchased to take two full body burials, the depth to which the grave is excavated for the first burial must take into account the need for the second burial. There are legal requirements as to how much earth must be left on top of the last coffin, and it is therefore not physically possible to put an extra coffin into the grave without breaking the law. However, after the grave is full for burial of coffins, cremated remains caskets or urns may still be buried within the grave.

What happens when the lease expires?

Exclusive right of burial in a grave is purchased for a set period of time. At the end of the period the purchaser is normally given the option of renewing the right for a further period. If you are the owner of a right of burial, it is most important that you keep the local authority fully informed of any change of address. Otherwise you may not receive a notice of renewal at the appropriate time.

Right of burial often includes the right to have a memorial on the grave (sometimes the right to have a memorial is granted separately). At the end of the period of the right to have a memorial, the authority will attempt to make contact to offer the option to renew the right for a further period. If the owner cannot be contacted or simply chooses not to renew, the cemetery staff can lawfully remove any memorial following a set period of notice. Renewal of the right may be withheld pending a full inspection of the memorial and a stability test. Any defects found would have to be repaired.

Who is responsible for the memorial?

The owner of the right to have a memorial on a grave is responsible for maintaining it in a safe condition. However the burial authority is responsible for maintaining the cemetery as a whole as a safe place for the public to visit. If an owner fails to do this, the authority may take action to make a memorial safe without prior notification to the owner.

Cemetery staff carry out routine inspections of memorials in the cemetery. When a memorial is identified as being unstable and there is a risk that it may fall and injure someone, it may be cordoned off, laid flat or have a temporary support installed depending on the circumstances.

The authority will send a letter to the owner in these circumstances and it is then the owner’s responsibility to arrange suitable repair. If a memorial is still under guarantee, the memorial mason will be responsible for the repair at no extra cost to the owner. If the owner does not respond to the letter or if the letter is returned undelivered, the memorial may well be laid flat and when the right to have a memorial expires, renewal may not be granted until repairs are made. If the situation persists, the authority may choose to remove and destroy the memorial.

In 2000 Pembrokeshire County Council introduced a scheme for the registration of memorial masons. Memorial masons working in the Council's cemeteries agree to guarantee the quality of workmanship for any memorial installed by them in the past ten years. A Certificate of Compliance with the Code of Fixing Practice of the National Association of Memorial Masons is issued with every installation.

All memorial masons must comply with the Rules and Standards laid down by the Council as part of the conditions of the registration scheme. A copy of the "Rules and Standards" is available to the public on request.

What happens if/when all the owners have died?

Ownership of the exclusive right of burial in a grave can be transferred via the owner's estate. The means of transfer can be very complex and while there is a set procedure to follow, each case must be looked at individually. If you need to transfer ownership contact the burial authority’s office where staff will arrange for a transfer to take place with due compliance with law.

Why can't I have what I want on the grave?

Ownership of right of burial on a grave is granted subject to the regulations that a local authority is legally entitled to impose as the provider of the burial ground. Regulations differ from authority to authority, between cemeteries within a single authority and between sections in a single cemetery. If you wish to purchase right of burial and there is a choice of location available, it is important that you select the situation that most suits your needs. Contact the burial authority and make enquiries about the choices and options available.

Why is a permit for a memorial needed?

Prior to a memorial being erected on a grave space, the written authority of the owner of the grave must be given on a permit / application form, authorising the proposed erection of the memorial. Memorials must conform to cemetery regulations with regard to their size and the method of installation. The memorial also needs to be checked for stability under health and safety regulations in the future. Registration of the memorial ensures that the authority is aware of its presence. It also ensures that no one other than the owner of the right to have a memorial placed there can go ahead against their wishes.

I want to bury cremated remains into the grave. Why do I have to decide whether there will be any more burials before this can be done?

It is against the law to disturb human remains without licence (including cremated remains in a casket or urn), and therefore no further burials will be possible in the grave until a licence has been obtained. Cremated remains can be buried in the grave at full depth, in which case they will not be disturbed by further full body burials, but by having to excavate a grave to this depth there will be additional charges for opening the grave.


ID: 145, revised 22/02/2023

Cemeteries Customer Charter

 We are responsible for the management of the following cemeteries, including carrying out burials, general maintenance, registration of burials and maintenance of records:

  • City Road, Haverfordwest;
  • Deerland Road, Llangwm;
  • Freystrop;
  • Rosemarket;
  • Llanion Park, Pembroke Dock;
  • St. Michaels, Pembroke;
  • Monkton, Pembroke;
  • Llanwnda, Fishguard (Goodwick);
  • St. Ishmaels;
  • Nolton;
  • Llanfair-Nant-y-Gof, Trecwn

For more info: Cemeteries

You can expect:

  • we will respond to any complaints regarding grounds maintenance, grave digging or general cemetery matters, investigating and/or inspecting the concerns within 1 working day of receipt of request;
  • immediately prior to grass cutting being undertaken, litter debris (such as wind blown dead flowers etc,) will be removed and disposed of from the grass areas;
    between 1 April and 31 October, all grass areas, including lawned graves, will receive fortnightly cutting. This will result in 17 cuts per annum, unless weather conditions dictate otherwise;
  • damaged areas, such as trees, furniture grass sward etc., will be repaired as soon as weather conditions permit;
  • for shrub beds, flower beds and weed spraying, ground maintenance standards will apply (see ground maintenance: shrub beds; flower beds; weed spraying sections);
    grave digging will be carried out immediately prior to a funeral taking place with as little disturbance as is possible to neighbouring graves. Neighbouring graves and headstones will be protected and any disturbance to surrounding area kept to a minimum and returned to its previous condition as soon as the grave has been filled;
  • staff will be dressed appropriately and on standby at a discrete distance during the services, in case of unforeseen problems arising;
  • graves will be filled as soon as the mourners have left the cemetery;
  • any excess spoil will be removed from site and any flowers will be placed on the grave;
  • after two weeks, the flowers are checked and, where appropriate, removed and placed in bins;
  • all graves are left to settle for up to six months before being turfed over or seeded, if in the lawned area of the cemetery. During this settlement period, flowers etc. are allowed on the grave space. However, once grassed over, no decoration of any kind is allowed on the grave space itself. A concrete base is provided for the placing of floral decoration, headstone or such like;
  • bins are supplied in all cemeteries and are emptied on a regular basis. Seating is also supplied in most cemeteries and is maintained bi-annually;
  • regular inspections will take place to ensure the above standards are maintained.

Did you know?

A rolling program of testing for stability of memorials is in place. It is hoped to inspect all memorials in our cemeteries over a period of five years. The test may include the application of a measured force as well as visual inspection of the memorials. Where a problem is found, temporary measures will be taken to render the memorial safe with as little as possible affect on the integrity of the memorial. Depending on the age and condition of the memorial, we will attempt to contact the owner before any further action is taken.

How you can help us

If you are a grave owner, or think you may be, and you have moved since a grave was purchased or a burial took place there, contact us so that we have your current address details. This will allow us to alert you to any problems relating to the grave.

If you want to contact us to report a problem or to make an enquiry, please provide us with full information. Please report potential hazards such as unstable memorials, broken or missing drain covers in paths, or obstructions that you encounter.

Who should I contact?

Grave registers, deeds of grant, memorial permits and cemeteries grounds maintenance:

The Superintendent and Registrar,
Parc Gwyn Crematorium,
SA67 8UD

Tel: 01834 860622
Fax: 01834 861309
E-mail: cemeteries@pembrokeshire.gov.uk


ID: 144, revised 22/02/2023


For enquiries relating to the following cemeteries:

  • Llanion Cemetery, Pembroke Dock;
  • City Road Cemetery, Haverfordwest;
  • Llanwnda Cemetery, Goodwick;
  • St Michaels Cemetery, Pembroke;
  • Monkton Cemetery, Pembroke;
  • Freystrop Cemetery;
  • St Ishmaels Cemetery;
  • Llangwm Cemetery;
  • Nolton Cemetery, Nolton Haven;
  • Llanfair Nantygof Cemetery, Trecwn;
  • Rosemarket Cemetery.

The Superintendent and Registrar,
Parc Gwyn Crematorium,
SA67 8UD

Tel: 01834 860622
Fax: 01834 861309
Email: cemeteries@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

Contact the Cemeteries Office with regards to:

  • The booking and registration of all burials
  • Purchases of exclusive right of burial in graves and transfer of those rights
  • Inspection of the cemetery records and plans
  • Payment of cemetery fees*
  • Details of the cemetery regulations*
  • Grounds maintenance issues*
  • Permission to install a memorial or to carry out work on existing memorials*
  • Details of memorial masons who are allowed to work in our cemeteries*
  • General enquiries in relation to burials and cemeteries

Addresses of Cemeteries

  • Llanion Cemetery, London Road, Pembroke Dock, SA72 4RS
  • City Road Cemetery, Haverfordwest, SA61 2RX (accessed form St Davids Road and Hawthorn Rise)
  • Llanwnda Cemetery, Goodwick, Fishguard SA64 0HU
  • St Michaels Cemetery, Upper Lamphey Road, Pembroke SA71 5JJ
  • Monkton Cemetery, Monkton, Pembroke SA71 4LT
  • Freystrop Cemetery, Pembroke Road, Lower Freystrop, Haverfordwest SA62 4ET
  • St Ishmaels Cemetery, Trewarren Road, St Ishmaels, Haverfordwest SA62 3SY
  • Llangwm Cemetery, Deerland Road, Llangwm, Haverfordwest SA62 4NG
  • Nolton Cemetery, West Lane, Nolton Haven,Haverfordwest SA62 2NW
  • Llanfair Nantygof Cemetery, Trecwn, Haverfordwest SA62 5TL
  • Rosemarket Cemetery, Barn Lane, Rosemarket, Milford Haven SA73 1JG


ID: 83, revised 22/02/2023