
Cemeteries Customer Charter

 We are responsible for the management of the following cemeteries, including carrying out burials, general maintenance, registration of burials and maintenance of records:

  • City Road, Haverfordwest;
  • Deerland Road, Llangwm;
  • Freystrop;
  • Rosemarket;
  • Llanion Park, Pembroke Dock;
  • St. Michaels, Pembroke;
  • Monkton, Pembroke;
  • Llanwnda, Fishguard (Goodwick);
  • St. Ishmaels;
  • Nolton;
  • Llanfair-Nant-y-Gof, Trecwn

For more info: Cemeteries

You can expect:

  • we will respond to any complaints regarding grounds maintenance, grave digging or general cemetery matters, investigating and/or inspecting the concerns within 1 working day of receipt of request;
  • immediately prior to grass cutting being undertaken, litter debris (such as wind blown dead flowers etc,) will be removed and disposed of from the grass areas;
    between 1 April and 31 October, all grass areas, including lawned graves, will receive fortnightly cutting. This will result in 17 cuts per annum, unless weather conditions dictate otherwise;
  • damaged areas, such as trees, furniture grass sward etc., will be repaired as soon as weather conditions permit;
  • for shrub beds, flower beds and weed spraying, ground maintenance standards will apply (see ground maintenance: shrub beds; flower beds; weed spraying sections);
    grave digging will be carried out immediately prior to a funeral taking place with as little disturbance as is possible to neighbouring graves. Neighbouring graves and headstones will be protected and any disturbance to surrounding area kept to a minimum and returned to its previous condition as soon as the grave has been filled;
  • staff will be dressed appropriately and on standby at a discrete distance during the services, in case of unforeseen problems arising;
  • graves will be filled as soon as the mourners have left the cemetery;
  • any excess spoil will be removed from site and any flowers will be placed on the grave;
  • after two weeks, the flowers are checked and, where appropriate, removed and placed in bins;
  • all graves are left to settle for up to six months before being turfed over or seeded, if in the lawned area of the cemetery. During this settlement period, flowers etc. are allowed on the grave space. However, once grassed over, no decoration of any kind is allowed on the grave space itself. A concrete base is provided for the placing of floral decoration, headstone or such like;
  • bins are supplied in all cemeteries and are emptied on a regular basis. Seating is also supplied in most cemeteries and is maintained bi-annually;
  • regular inspections will take place to ensure the above standards are maintained.

Did you know?

A rolling program of testing for stability of memorials is in place. It is hoped to inspect all memorials in our cemeteries over a period of five years. The test may include the application of a measured force as well as visual inspection of the memorials. Where a problem is found, temporary measures will be taken to render the memorial safe with as little as possible affect on the integrity of the memorial. Depending on the age and condition of the memorial, we will attempt to contact the owner before any further action is taken.

How you can help us

If you are a grave owner, or think you may be, and you have moved since a grave was purchased or a burial took place there, contact us so that we have your current address details. This will allow us to alert you to any problems relating to the grave.

If you want to contact us to report a problem or to make an enquiry, please provide us with full information. Please report potential hazards such as unstable memorials, broken or missing drain covers in paths, or obstructions that you encounter.

Who should I contact?

Grave registers, deeds of grant, memorial permits and cemeteries grounds maintenance:

The Superintendent and Registrar,
Parc Gwyn Crematorium,
SA67 8UD

Tel: 01834 860622
Fax: 01834 861309
E-mail: cemeteries@pembrokeshire.gov.uk


ID: 144, revised 22/02/2023