Cabinet programme for administration 2022 2027

Residents' Services


We will focus our resources on delivering ‘brilliant basics’ – core services such as highways, waste and recycling, public protection and leisure and culture – that contribute to the quality of life for communities, ensuring residents live in neighbourhoods that are clean, green, safe and active.


We will:

  • Maximise the potential of our assets (land and buildings) to enhance community well-being and place-making through, for example, the use of community asset transfers.
  • Maintain our performance as one of the best recycling authorities in the UK by, for example, investing in a state-of-the-art Eco Park and supporting circular economy projects.
  • Maintain and seek to improve local environmental quality (on streets, public realm, parks, countryside and beaches) through, for example, a focus on reducing enviro-crime.
  • Maintain and seek to enhance biodiversity and ecology across Pembrokeshire in line with our duties under the Environment Act.
  • Maintain our highways in a good condition, improve road safety and seek to enhance and extend the public rights of way network.
  • Continue to support active travel through investment in accessible facilities, shared routes and public transport, in line with the Healthy Travel Wales Charter.   
  • Continue to provide a comprehensive range of good quality leisure, library and cultural facilities and programmes that support the health and well-being of our residents.
  • Work with partners to address anti-social behaviour and maintain public safety.
  • Continue to support major events that generate economic and community benefits, and raise the profile of the county.
  • Support a safe living and working environment through the efficient and effective delivery of public protection services.
ID: 9741, revised 09/03/2023