Cabinet programme for administration 2022 2027
Key achievements from our previous Programme for Administration
We committed to creating an in-house domiciliary care service
We did and we now directly provide more than 20% of all domiciliary care in Pembrokeshire
We committed to investing in and transforming our town centres
We did and more than £25m in external funding has been secured for projects now on site in Pembroke and Haverfordwest
We committed to working with Welsh Government to abolish the Cleddau Bridge tolls
We did and now someone living one side of the bridge and working the other has more than £270 extra in their pocket each year
We committed to working with partners on the Swansea Bay City Deal and specifically the Pembroke Dock Marine Project
We did and work has recently started on a £60m programme at Pembroke Port as a result
We committed to continuing to invest in our schools through the 21st Century Schools Programme
We did and more than a dozen schools have been built and opened, refurbished or are under construction, including a new secondary school in Haverfordwest and delivered a significant extension of the provision of Welsh-medium education throughout the County
We committed to increasing recycling rates
We did and by 2020-21 this increased to 73.2%, the highest figure in Wales for the second year running
We committed to developing the ‘Enhancing Pembrokeshire’ Grant to support community projects that evidence a reduction in the impact of second home ownership
We did and since 2018 there has been 140 successful applicants and £2,427,263 awarded through the scheme
We committed to maximising partnership working and effective use of joint funding opportunities and community support
We did and supported the creation of a permanent Pembrokeshire Community Hub based at PAVS
We committed to creating a flexible workforce which requires less building space through the effective use of technology
We did and through our Smarter Working project we were able to re-organise where staff worked quickly and effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have also rationalised our administrative buildings, for instance selling Cherry Grove in March 2022