Admission to schools in Pembrokeshire - Information for Parents
Appendix 2 Explanation of terminology
Academic Year
School year commencing 1st September and ending the following 31st August.
Admission Number
The number of school places that the admission authority must offer in each relevant age group of a school for which is the admissions authority. Admission numbers are based on the “Measuring the Capacity of Schools in Wales” regulations and relate directly to the school’s capacity.
Catchment Area
The geographical area intended to be served by the school.
Compulsory School Age
A child reaches compulsory school age in the term following their 5th birthday. A child ceases to be of compulsory school age if they have attained the age of 16 on the prescribed school leaving date, or before the next school year, which is the last Friday in June.
County Council
This is the local government body responsible for the organisation and maintenance of the education services. In Pembrokeshire this responsibility falls on Pembrokeshire County Council. The Local Authority undertakes a range of statutory functions.
All the activities and opportunities for learning provided by a school.
Maintained School
A school funded and maintained by Pembrokeshire County Council (as the Local Authority).
Non-maintained or Independent School
A school not funded or maintained by the County Council.
School places for children from the term after their 3rd birthday until they become of Reception school age.
Primary School Place (Reception Class)
School place starts the Autumn term after the child’s fourth birthday.
Pupils with full, half or step brothers or sisters, or adoptive or foster children, attending the preferred school, whilst living in the same household at the time of admission and are of statutory school age.
Voluntary Aided (VA) (Church in Wales or Catholic) School
A maintained school that was set up by a voluntary body (usually the Church in Wales or the Catholic Church). Aided schools control their own admissions and Religious Education syllabus and employ their own staff.
Voluntary Controlled (VC) School
This is a maintained school in which Religious Education is provided according to the Authority’s agreed syllabus. Some denominational instruction maybe offered.