Admission to schools in Pembrokeshire - Information for Parents

Appendix 1 Pembrokeshire County Council website links

Inclusion and Additional Learning Needs

The Inclusion Service promotes achievement and wellbeing for all children and young people.  In essence, it means making sure that all children and young people have access to the same opportunities and services as everybody else and receive a high quality education, which is broad, balanced and relevant to meeting their individual needs.  The Inclusion strategy states that the majority of school age learners can and should be educated with others of their own age in their local community school which is properly equipped and fit for purpose. If you would like some general advice and guidance about your child’s additional need you should contact the Parental Partnership Service by telephoning 01437 776354.


School meals service

School meals are provided by Pembrokeshire County Council’s Catering Team.


Education transport

There is a statutory duty for Pembrokeshire County Council (as the Local Authority) to provide pupils of compulsory school age with free transport to their catchment school or their nearest suitable maintained school if they live over the statutory walking distance.

Free transport will be provided according to The Learner Travel Wales Measure - Operational Guidance and Pembrokeshire County Council’s school transport policy and further information can be obtained from the school transport page on the Pembrokeshire County Council website.   


School list  

Term dates and holidays

ID: 9117, revised 28/04/2023