Your Health

Hospital Care Admission


Whether you are admitted to hospital by appointment or following an accident or emergency, it can be a frightening experience but the clinical staff are there to ensure that you are well looked after and that you get the treatment you need.

The hospital staff must:

  • show respect for your privacy, dignity and religious and cultural beliefs
  • handle your treatment with complete confidentiality
  • look after you in a clean and safe environment
  • provide a named nurse in charge of your care.

A prolonged stay in hospital may affect the benefits you are entitled to. See Financial help and advice

Butterfly Scheme

The butterfly scheme is for patients in hospital who have dementia, memory impairment or confusion. The scheme ensures staff follow a special response plan via a discreet Butterfly symbol placed by the patient’s name. Carers will also be asked to fill in and return a carer sheet, so that they can share their insight into their loved-ones care needs with the staff taking over that care during a hospital stay. If you (as a patient or carer) wish to opt in to this scheme, speak to a member of staff in the hospital. 


When your treatment is complete, the hospital will discharge you. It is their responsibility to ensure you don’t leave hospital unless adequate arrangements for any support you may need in the community have been made. This can be arranged by Adult Care working jointly with the hospital staff so your needs can be assessed and arrangements made for any necessary care.

Planning for Discharge

The hospital will discuss arrangements while you are in hospital. You can start to plan as soon as you have spoken to the doctor. You will need to consider how long you will be in hospital and if you will need support to continue to meet commitments at home such as looking after a pet. When you are discharged you can receive help with getting home and settling in. This can include making sure the equipment you need for your recovery is at home waiting for you and also that you have essential groceries such as bread and milk. The ward staff will help to make these arrangements with voluntary organisations and social services where appropriate. PAVS (opens in a new tab) can also assist you to find voluntary services that can help. 

Dewis Cymru (opens in a new tab) is the place to go if you want information or advice about your well-being – or want to know how you can help somebody else.

Community Nursing Services

NHS Continuing Healthcare

NHS continuing healthcare is funded by the NHS for individuals who are not in hospital and have been assessed as having a 'primary health need'. People who have complex health and social care needs will have their needs assessed by health and social care professionals. The provision of CHC will require a multi-disciplinary decision in discussion with the person and their family/advocate. For more information visit NHS Wales (opens in a new tab) 

The Community Nursing Service

For patients who are unable to attend a surgery or clinic.  District nurses work in partnership with patients, families and carers to provide skilled nursing care at home, promote and maintain patient independence and to give advice and support.

Acute Response Team (ART)

The Acute Response Team provides acute nursing care in the community as an alternative to hospital admission and helps facilitate earlier discharge from hospital by providing the required care in the home. The service is provided to patients over the age of 16 years who have been assessed as being medically stable to receive their nursing care in their own homes or an alternative community setting in Pembrokeshire. This is a 24 hour community service covering 7 days a week.

Chronic Condition Nurse Practitioners (CCNPs)

Work alongside District Nursing teams in Pembrokeshire to support and guide people with long term conditions, encouraging them to take ownership of their own health. They enable individuals to remain within their own environments for as long as possible thus reducing hospital admissions. People are referred to this service by their GP, a District Nurse, a hospital or a member of one of the Community Resource teams. Their working hours are from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Continence Advisors

Can give you specialist advice on how to manage incontinence. Loss of bladder or bowel control is brought about by a variety of conditions so you should always see your doctor to diagnose what is causing the problem. There is a range of aids and equipment which can make it far easier to cope with incontinence and with the help of a continence advisor the problem can be cured altogether in some cases. For more information contact your GP.

You can also get help from: The Bladder and Bowel Foundation (opens in a new tab) 

ID: 10622, revised 27/10/2023