Your Health

End of Life Care

Your GP will be able to provide you with details of end of life care (often called ‘palliative care’) schemes for people who have a terminal illness or a life threatening condition.

Hospice UK (opens in a new tab)

Includes an online search facility for local hospice or palliative care.

Marie Curie Information and Support (opens in a new tab)

Macmillan Cancer Support (opens in a new tab)

Offer advice and support if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. The website includes a search facility for local support groups, and a Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service is based in Withybush Hospital.

National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) (opens in a new tab)

Paul Sartori Foundation (opens in a new tab)

Offer specialised and supportive care and advice for those living with a life threatening illness. Care can be provided directly into the patient’s homes. They also help the relatives and immediate carers close to the patient during the illness and through the bereavement period. The Hospice at Home service is available 365 days of the year and operates a 24/7 on-call service. The team is able to offer more people the choice to stay at home during the final stages of a terminal illness.

Shalom House (opens in a new tab)

Shalom House opened the doors to patients on 23 November 2007.  

It offers care to three distinct groups of patients:

  1. For those who have been diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening illness, who may have received radical surgery, followed by chemotherapy/radiotherapy.
  2. For those who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness with a relatively long prognosis.
  3. For those who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness who are being cared for at home.


ID: 2131, revised 23/08/2023