Council Jobs and Careers

Recruitment and Selection Policy

As a large public sector employer, Pembrokeshire County Council recognises the importance of having open, fair and ethical arrangements in place for the appointment of its employees. This document sets out the Council’s corporate policy framework for recruitment and selection activity.

  1. All appointments to paid employment with Pembrokeshire County Council shall be made on merit, ie the criteria for selecting persons for employment shall be their ability to fulfil the requirements of particular posts as defined by job descriptions and person specifications.
  2. All appointments shall be consistent with the Council’s obligations as an employer under current legislation and in particular the Equality Act.
  3. All appointments shall be consistent with the principles and objectives of the Council’s Equal Opportunities Statement.
  4. All recruitment exercises shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions and standards of the Council’s Recruitment and Selection Code of Practice, and advice given to line managers.
  5. The Council shall take steps to ensure that all persons authorised to participate in the recruitment and selection of people to work for the Authority are adequately and appropriately trained to fulfil their responsibilities.
  6. This policy, the Code of Practice and advice which supports it, will be periodically reviewed or revised to reflect changes in recruitment practice, employment legislation, the labour market and working patterns.
ID: 1880, revised 29/09/2022