Work in Social Care

Meet our Teams

Our supportive senior management team is committed to a culture of openness and transparency with an open door policy. With respect as one of our key values, we welcome new ideas and encourage challenge to continuously improve our thinking and practice

Pembrokeshire is a large, predominantly rural county and we have a wide range of specialist teams ready to respond to the diverse challenges that this brings. With a supportive working structure and the support of an experienced manager, we want to ensure that you have all you need to grow as a professional and perform to the best of your ability whilst doing a job you love in a forward thinking and creative environment.

We have strong and effective relationships with other agencies, which allows us to work collaboratively in the interests of the people of Pembrokeshire and we have great working relationships between our own teams as well, to ensure effective and cohesive working.

Our social work teams are made up of a diverse range of people, and the shared ambition and drive to make a difference to the lives of children, young people and families in our community unites us all. Whether Pembrokeshire born-and-bred, a seasonal visitor or completely new to our special county, you are assured a warm welcome.

Working for Children's Services

Working for Adult Services

ID: 7477, revised 23/03/2023