Thinking of starting a childcare business

Thinking of setting up an out of school club?

Out of school childcare clubs provide care for children aged 4 - 14 years at the end of the school day. Children aged 3 years may be able to attend, however, this is dependent on the type of registration and insurance the club has obtained.

Clubs provide fun, safe, stimulating places for children to play so that their parents/carers can work or train. Children are provided with a snack in the afternoon and must have access to regular drinks.

Out of school childcare clubs are usually based in schools or community buildings and can be run by a school, a voluntary management committee or by individuals as a private business.

It is vital to the success of a club that you ensure there is demand for it and that the service you provide meets the needs of local parents. This can be achieved by conducting a survey of the parents at the school your club will support, however be aware that people's situations change - the current economic climate means that job situations are changing rapidly, and people who may say they need the childcare now, may not by the time the club is established. 

Flow chart showing the process for setting up an out of school club

  1. Talking to others about the idea and researching local need
  2. Making contacts - including the local authority
  3. Finding premises and setting up a steering group
  4. Drawing up a budget and funding proposals
  5. Applying for grants

 Registering with the Care Inspectorate Wales

  1.  Recruiting Staff
  2. Planning the opening and publicising the new club
  3. Opening the door

CIW Registration (opens in a new tab)

All out of school clubs looking after children under the age of 8 and operating for more than two hours in any one day must be registered with the CIW.

The main aims of registration are to promote quality and to protect children, ensuring that they are cared for in safe and suitable surroundings.

A childcare setting must meet the CIW National Minimum Standards before registration can be granted.

Managing the Out of School Childcare Club

  • The person in charge of a club requires at least 2 years experience of working in a day care setting and have a recognised level 3 qualification on the Care Council for Wales' current list of Accepted Qualifications for the Early Years and Childcare Workforce in Wales or Skills Active's Integrated Qualification Framework for Playwork, which is appropriate to the post and age of the children.

The Staff

  • 50% of the remaining staff should hold a qualification at least a level 2 from the list of Accepted Qualifications for the Early Years and Childcare Workforce in Wales or Skills Active's Integrated Qualification Framework for Playwork, which is appropriate to the post.
  • All staff must undergo an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau disclosure.


Further support and guidance on setting up an out of school club is available from:

Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids' Clubs (opens in a new tab)

Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids' Clubs (CPCKC) are the national organisation that sets up, develops and supports out of school childcare clubs across Wales.







ID: 1776, revised 02/10/2023