Thinking of starting a childcare business

The Role of Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW)

Care Inspectorate Wales (opens in a new tab) regulate and inspect day care services for children under 8 years in Wales, these include:

  • Childminders
  • Full day care
  • Sessional day care
  • Out of school childcare
  • Crèches
  • Open access play

All childcare settings looking after children under the age of 8 and operating for more than two hours must be registered with the CIW.

The main aims of registration are to promote quality and to protect children, ensuring that they are cared for in safe and suitable surroundings.

A childcare setting must meet the CIW National Minimum Standards before registration can be granted. 

If your business is going to care for children under the age of 8 for more than two hours in any one day and you are not registered with the CIW you will be breaking the law.

The CIW will continue to inspect the setting(s) to ensure the registered person is continuing to meet the National Minimum Standards and Regulations when operating.


ID: 1770, revised 02/10/2023