School Attendance and Pupil Welfare

Education Welfare Service

It starts in school

Success, creativity, friendship, resilience, support… it starts in school.

When children miss school, they miss more than classes – they’re missing important social and development opportunities that will shape their future. Because school is more than grades, timetables, and homework – it’s friendships, shared memories, and character building.

Regular attendance is more important than ever. 

Access support

With access to free school meals, life-changing support and so much more, there’s a lot more to school than education. But we know that school isn’t always easy. If your child is anxious or worried about coming to school, help is available.

If your child is missing school for whatever reason, we’re here for you. Talk to your school or call us on 01437 764551 for the support your child needs.

Get involved

Want to get involved in our campaign to get children back into school? Follow us on social media for the latest news and read inspiring stories about how school shaped the lives of people from Pembrokeshire, and what success looks like to them. Don’t forget to share your own experiences using the hashtag #ItStartsInSchool.



ID: 1265, revised 14/04/2023