School Admissions

Admissions to Schools Service

As at April 2023 there were 60 schools in Pembrokeshire serving 9330 Full-time and 889 Part-time Primary pupils, and 7071 Secondary age pupils. Pembrokeshire County Council is the Admission Authority for community and voluntary controlled schools in Pembrokeshire and the Admissions and Planning Places Unit deals with all schools’ admissions and transfers, except to voluntary aided schools. The Admission Authority for voluntary aided schools is the governing body of the school concerned.

 You can expect:

  •  to receive reliable and impartial advice about schools and expressing a preference
  • to have your application for a school place handled fairly and efficiently
  • that the offer of a place will be made in good time (subject to your application being received in time)
  • a place in your preferred school, unless there are more applications than the admission number will allow entry. If this occurs, all applications will be assessed against the oversubscription criteria
  • to be informed of the County Council’s policies relating to admissions and school transport 
  • to be informed how to receive a school prospectus and how to arrange a school visit and other relevant information relating to schools in Pembrokeshire
  • information relating to the right of appeal, to an independent appeals panel, if you are not allocated a place at your preferred school
  • an open, fair and effective complaints procedure if you are not satisfied with the services you receive.

For further information please contact:

Admissions Service 
County Hall
SA61 1TP

Tel: 01437 764551


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ID: 516, revised 18/10/2023