School Admissions Policy

Applying Outside The Normal Admission Round

9.1 Moving Into The Area

Parents planning to move into the area should apply no earlier than a term in advance of their children’s anticipated start date.

E.g. if a place is required in the spring term then the application should be submitted no earlier than the start of the preceding autumn term.

Applications received more than a term in advance will be held until the appropriate time. Delays in moving into the area may result in offers being withdrawn, unless good reason is given.


9.2 School Transfers During The Year

Changing schools requires serious consideration and should, in the first instance, be fully discussed with the Headteacher of your child’s present school.

Should parents still need to transfer their child from one school to another then they must apply through submitting an online application which will be treated in the same way as any other application for admission.

Parents may request a transfer at any time.  However, unless the transfer is due to a change of address, the Local Authority will normally only allow transfer from one Pembrokeshire school to another at the beginning of a half term.  All transfer requests are subject to normal admission procedures and places being available in the requested school.

If an immediate transfer is requested and is not due to a change of address, a protocol involving the Education Welfare Service is applied.  Parents will be invited to discuss the transfer request with an Education Welfare Officer, who will determine if an immediate transfer should be granted.  If an immediate transfer is not approved by the Education Welfare Officer then the transfer may only take place at the start of the following half term.

In order to allow sufficient time to process applications and greater time for schools to plan for the arrival of new pupils, it is advised that applications for transfer at the beginning of a half term are received at least one month prior to the beginning of that half term.

Upon agreeing to a school transfer request and parents being informed in writing, parents will need to respond to the offer email to accept the place within 21 days. 


9.3 Sixth Form Places

All Pembrokeshire Secondary Schools are responsible for their sixth form admissions and all applications should be made direct to the school of your choice.

Admissions to secondary schools’ sixth forms sits within the umbrella of the county council by virtue of the fact that it is the Admissions Authority for all community and voluntary controlled schools.  However the day to day arrangements for administering such applications rest with the relevant secondary school. Arrangements for admission to Sixth Form Education should be discussed with the individual school prior to submitting an application for admission to the individual school.  All secondary schools with sixth forms must publish their sixth form admissions arrangements on their websites, normally as part of their prospectus, and these must include the following:

  • The GCSE and/or other qualifications required for entry;
  • The means by which applications should be made, including the closing date for receipt of applications;
  • Information on how learners will be advised if a sixth form place is awarded or refused;
  • Information on how learners or their parents may appeal the school’s decision.

Secondary schools are required to report to the authority’s Admissions Forum annually on the effectiveness of its sixth form admission arrangements

ID: 9166, revised 18/10/2022