Road Safety

National Cycling Standards

The Road Safety Team offers the National Standards Cycle Training Programme to all primary schools throughout Pembrokeshire.

All pupils aged 10 and 11 years old can get involved. It is an important part of the curriculum; the main purpose is to heighten a child's awareness of the dangers on the roads. It is offered free of charge to all schools and the course duration consists of approximately six hours, and delivered by one of three experienced instructors. 

The training includes how to control your bike, being able to look and assess traffic, how to communicate and where to position yourself on the road. Developing their knowledge of hazard awareness and knowledge of the Highway Code.

Instructors also advise on safety equipment and how to check and do simple maintenance on your bike.

There are three levels children at Primary are taught Level 1 and 2. Pupils in secondary school/ college or adults can email the Road Safety Team to do Level 3.



ID: 10828, revised 14/09/2023