Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences

When do I need to make a report?

For most types of incident, including:

  • accidents resulting in the death of any person
  • accidents resulting in specified injuries to workers
  • non-fatal accidents requiring hospital treatment to non-workers and
  • dangerous occurrences

the responsible person must notify the enforcing authority without delay, in accordance with the reporting procedure (Schedule 1). This is most easily done by reporting online[1]. Alternatively, for fatal accidents or accidents resulting in specified injuries to workers only, you can phone 0845 300 9923.

NB: A report must be received within 10 days of the incident.

For accidents resulting in the over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker, you must notify the enforcing authority within 15 days of the incident, using the appropriate online form.

Cases of occupational disease[2], including those associated with exposure to carcinogens, mutagens or biological agents[3], as soon as the responsible person receives a diagnosis, using the appropriate online form[4].

ID: 1506, revised 17/03/2023