Registration Service

What's in a certificate?

We are more than happy to search for any birth, death or marriage record that you require, but we can only provide information from these records in the form of a certificate. The information contained on the certificate varies depending on when the event was registered. The following list explains what details are available:

Birth certificates

  • Full Birth Certificates up to 31 March 1969: Date and Place of Birth, First and Middle Names, Sex, Father's Full Name, Mother's Full Name and Maiden Name, Father's Occupation, Parent(s) Address, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Full Birth Certificates from 1 April 1969 to 31 March 1995: NHS Number, Date and Place of Birth, Full Names and Surname, Sex, Father's Full Name, Place of Birth and Occupation, Mother's Full Name, Maiden Name and Place of Birth, Parent(s) Address, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Full Birth Certificates from 1 April 1995: Date and Place of Birth, Full Names and Surname, Sex, Father's Full Name, Place of Birth and Occupation, Mother's Full Name, Maiden Name, Place of Birth and Occupation, Parent(s) Address, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Short Birth Certificates only include: Full Names and Surname, Sex, Date of Birth, Registration District/Sub-district

Please note: during the mid-1980s, the mother's occupation could be included, but wasn't required until April 1995.

Death certificates

  • Death Certificates (Male over 16) up to 31 March 1969: Date and Place of Death, Full Name and Surname, Sex, Age, Address at time of death, Occupation, Cause of Death, Informant's Name, Address and Relationship, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Death Certificates (Female over 16) up to 31 March 1969: Date and Place of Death, Full Name and Surname, Sex, Age, Address at time of death, Occupation (if unmarried), Wife/Widow and Husband's Full Name and Occupation (if married), Cause of Death, Informant's Name, Address and Relationship, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Death Certificates (Child under 16) up to 31 March 1969: Date and Place of Death, Full Name and Surname, Sex, Age, Address at time of death, Father's Full Name and Occupation, Cause of Death, Informant's Name, Address and Relationship, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Death Certificates (Male over 16) from 1 April 1969: Date and Place of Death, Full Name and Surname, Sex, Date and Place of Birth, Occupation, Usual Address, Informant's Name, Address and Relationship, Cause of Death, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Death Certificates (Female over 16) from 1 April 1969: Date and Place of Death, Full Name and Surname, Sex, Maiden Name (if married), Date and Place of Birth, Occupation, Wife/Widow and Husband's Full Name and Occupation (if married), Usual Address, Informant's Name, Address and Relationship, Cause of Death, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Death Certificates (Child under 16) from 1 April 1969: Date and Place of Death, Full Name and Surname, Sex, Date and Place of Birth, Parent(s) Full Names and Occupation(s), Usual Address, Informant's Name, Address and Relationship, Cause of Death, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County
  • Death Certificates from December 2005: Date and Place of Death, Full Name and Surname, Sex, Date and Place of Birth, Occupation, Husband/Widower and Wife's Full Name and Occupation (if married), Usual Address, Informant's Name, Address and Relationship, Cause of Death, Date of Registration, Name of Registrar, Registration District/Sub-district and County

Marriage certificates

  • Marriage Certificates: Date and Place of Marriage, Bride and Groom's Full Names, Ages, Marital Status, Occupations, Addresses at time of marriage, Fathers' Full Names and Occupations, Names of Witnesses, Names of Registrars/Religious Minister, Registration District/Sub-district or Parish, and County

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Opening hours - Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm


ID: 89, revised 05/01/2023