Radon in the Workplace

What work is being carried out?

The Health and Safety Executive Strategy 2005-2010 outlines the need to focus on radon affected areas in order to reduce the high employee and public exposure levels to radiation. This will be done through the provision of information and advice, direct contact with employers and working with stakeholders. During October 2010 Officers from both Pembrokeshire County Council and Health and Safety Executive will be carrying out visits to businesses within Pembrokeshire to discuss this issue, check that measurements have been or are being carried out, and ensure employee exposures are as low as reasonably practicable. If you have carried out work in the past to measure radon levels and/or taken remedial action, you are reminded that this would need to be under regular review.

For further information contact:

Health and Safety Team,
Public Protection Division,
Pembrokeshire County Council,
County Hall,
SA61 1TP

Tel: 01437 775179

E-mail: health&safety@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

ID: 1514, revised 17/03/2023