Pembrokeshire Produce Mark
Whether you’re eating out or shopping locally, look out for the Pembrokeshire Produce Mark.
The Produce Mark is an instantly recognisable logo, which shows that the product you are buying has been made in Pembrokeshire.
If displayed in a hospitality establishment, it shows that local produce is used within the menu. Retail outlets displaying the Produce Mark sell local products within their shop.
There are currently over 280 members of the Pembrokeshire Produce Mark scheme. Before being able to display the logo, all members of the scheme are verified to ensure eligibility.
What is the 'Pembrokeshire Produce Mark?'
What are your customers asking?
What are the benefits of membership?
What are the membership costs?
How will the scheme be managed?
How to apply?
What is the 'Pembrokeshire Produce Mark'?
The Pembrokeshire Produce Mark is an instantly recognisable mark that will tell your customers that your products are produced in Pembrokeshire, that you use local ingredients within your menus or that you sell local products within your retail outlet.
Customer research shows that people do want to buy Pembrokeshire Produce, but the lack of a distinctive mark of origin is confusing in their choice.
The Pembrokeshire Produce mark will provide a clear identity, give customers the assurance that they are buying local products or that local products are used by hospitality and retail businesses.
What are your customers asking?
- 'I would really like to buy local produce but how can I be sure it was actually produced in Pembrokeshire?'
- 'What dishes on your menu are made from local ingredients?'
- I would like to take home something from Pembrokeshire, but where do I buy local products?'
Joining the Pembrokeshire Produce Mark scheme will help answer these questions.
What are the benefits of membership?
- The potential to attract more customers to your business
- The opportunity to become involved in co-operative marketing initiatives that seek to increase usage of Pembrokeshire products
- The opportunity to participate in exhibitions and events both within and outside Pembrokeshire
- New business opportunities through networking and business marketing
- Free artwork of the Pembrokeshire Produce Mark
- Free window vinyl, point-of-sale material and customer charter to display at your premises, explaining the purpose of the Pembrokeshire Produce Mark
- The opportunity to purchase specialised branded merchandise.
What are the membership costs?
Membership is currently free of charge.
How will the scheme be managed?
The Pembrokeshire Produce mark has been developed as part of pembrokeshire County Council's Initiatives. The governing body of the scheme will therefore be Pembrokeshire County Council who will be responsible for processing applications, managing the scheme and working with members to promote the Pembrokeshire Produce Mark.
How to apply?
1. Please download and complete the application declaration form below.
and return to:
The PPM Scheme
Pembrokeshire County Council
Zone OA,
County Hall,
Pembrokeshire SA61 1TP
Tel: 01437 776169
2. It is a condition that all business wishing to use the mark comply with the Pembrokeshire Produce Mark Regulations and complete and sign the declaration and applications forms.
3. Upon receipt of your completed application and declarations forms the Food Development Officer will visit your business to discuss your application and check your compliance with the regulations.
4. All successful application will be awarded a customer charter to display at their premises.
5. To ensure the integrity of the Pembrokeshire Produce Mark members of the scheme will be monitored, by the Food Development Officer or her nominee, to ensure compliance with the regulation.