Planning Applications FAQs

Planning Applications - FAQs

1. When is planning permission needed ? Answer
2. Who can make a planning application ? Answer
3. How do I make a planning application ? Answer
4. What happens to my planning application ? Answer
5. How long will my application take ? Answer
6. How can I find out details of an application ? Answer
7. Can I comment on an application ? Answer
8. What kinds of planning permission are there ? Answer
9. What happens if my land is in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park ? Answer
10. What if someone has carried out development without planning permission ? Answer
ID: 2323, revised 20/04/2023

When is planning permission needed ?

Planning permission is needed whenever someone wants to carry out development. 'Development' includes:

  • Building works, including most new buildings and extensions and alterations to existing buildings
  • Engineering operations
  • Changes of use (e.g. converting a farm building into a dwelling)

The law allows some works and changes of use to take place without the need to apply for planning permission. This includes things such as minor internal alterations to buildings, and most works of repair and maintenance. In order to be sure, we would recommend that you consult us prior to starting any work.

ID: 2325, revised 24/01/2018

Who can make a planning application?

Anyone can make a planning application. An applicant must certify that they own the land, or that they have served notice on the owner and any agricultural tenant.

ID: 2326, revised 24/01/2018

How do I make a planning application?

There is a form for applicants to give details of their proposals. The application must identify the land or buildings which are the subject of the application. A certificate relating to the land ownership must accompany the application. Some large developments have to be accompanied by an Environmental Statement (ES) and what it should contain are set out in legislation and guidance from the National Assembly for Wales. There is a non - refundable fee for most applications.

ID: 2327, revised 24/01/2018

What happens to my planning application?

All applications are checked to see that they contain the necessary information and the legal requirements including a site plan, certificate of ownership and the appropriate fee. Copies are made and send to statutory & other consultees. In most cases this will include the local community council, the Environment Agency and the Director of Transport and Environment.

ID: 2328, revised 24/01/2018

How long will my application take?

The government expect local authorities to determine 80% of applications within eight weeks. Applications where there are objections or which are more complicated will take longer.

ID: 2329, revised 24/01/2018

How can I find out details of an application?

A list of applications received is published on a weekly basis. Copies of all current planning applications are held at County Hall and are available to be seen during normal working hours.

If you require further information about a particular application, your first port of call should be the case officer assigned to deal with this application. Only this case officer will have details of the application and other officers will therefore be unable to help with your enquiry. The name of the case officer and the reference number will be detailed on any notification letter or site notice, or on the weekly lists.

You can view application details by clicking on the link below:

Search for a planning application

Application Key and Non Key Document Retention Policy

Planning, Listed Building and Conservation Area Records and Data Protection Details

ID: 2330, revised 14/03/2023

Can I comment on an application?

Yes, and it doesn't matter whether or not you have received an invitation to comment. In order for your comments to be taken into consideration, they must relate to proper planning matters, and be received within the stated consultation period. The applicant is entitled to see any correspondence received.

A guide to commenting on planning applications is available to help you. If you are unsure as to whether your comments are relevant, please contact us on 01437 764551.

Commenting on applications

ID: 2331, revised 14/05/2018

What kinds of planning permission are there?

There are two types of planning permission:

  • If you think that you may want to carry out development at some point in the future, you can apply for an approval in principle, which is called outline planning permission (or consent). If you receive outline planning permission, you must then submit further details (called reserved matters) in order for the development to be allowed to start. You must do this within three years or the outline consent will lapse.
  • The second type is called 'full planning permission,' where you provide all the necessary details to start work immediately. If granted, development must start within five years (or any other time specified in the conditions) or it will lapse.
ID: 2332, revised 24/01/2018

What happens if my land is in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park?

The National Park Authority is the Local Planning Authority for land within their boundary of the National Park. Enquiries about land use planning matters in the National Park area should therefore be directed to the National Park Authority rather than the County Council.

ID: 2333, revised 17/01/2022

What if someone has carried out development without planning permission?

The authority has the power to take enforcement action to remove unauthorised buildings or to stop unauthorised uses. This is a discretionary power.

To report a planning enforcement issue please complete the Planning Enforcement Complaint Form

The enforcement team can be contacted

ID: 2334, revised 21/02/2023