Parent Partnership Service

One Page Profiles and IDPs

What is a One-Page Profile?

A One-Page Profile is the foundation of person-centred support. A One-Page Profile contains key information about an individual’s character, gifts and talents, what is important to them, and the best way to support them.

It is good practice for all pupils to have a One-Page Profile and should be created with the child or young person, not for the child.

A One-Page Profile should combine the thoughts of pupil, their parents, and their school. 

One-Page Profiles can be used to:

  • support learners’ learning
  • reflect ‘pupil voice’
  • support transition across the key stages
  • provide key information for supply teachers

There are three elements in a One-Page Profile:

  • Appreciation: what people like and admire about the learner; their character, gifts and talents.
  • What is important to the learner: what matters to the learner, from their perspective?
  • How to support the learner: expertise about how to get the best out of the learner, from the perspective of the learner themselves and their family, teachers and other staff.

The aim of a One-Page Profile is to discover what support a learner needs, and to balance this with what is important to the learner.

One Page Profile +

The One Page Profile+ would look much the same as the One Page Profile. However, it is likely that the information in ‘important to’ and ‘important for’ in the One Page Profile + will be more detailed and will outline any short term catch up programmes or interventions within the Schools targeted universal learning provision.  For example, this might include RWI (Read Write Inc), social use of language programmes, ELSA and so on.

Therefore a One Page Profile + would include an action plan outlining the support programmes including details about duration and timing of the programme. The One Page profile + highlights that the learner requires support but is below the level of ALN as the child does not require an ALP (Additional Learning Provision). The needs of the learner can be met via targeted support within the provision generally available for all pupils.

Individual Development Plans - IDPs

What is an IDP?

An Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a ‘single statutory plan’ which will replace the different types of plans, including Individual Education Plans, Statements of SEN and Learning Skills Plans.

Children and young people who have Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and who need Additional Learning Provision (ALP) will have an IDP. Following a 3 year implementation period, the previous system of Early Years/School Action, Early Years/School Action Plus, and Statements will no longer exist and instead all children and young people who have ALN as identified in the ALN Code (Wales)* will have an IDP.

The IDP will offer consistency and continuity for everyone. Provision and rights will be protected for all learners who have an IDP, regardless of the type or complexity of their needs. 

0-25 years

The new system is for all children and young people aged 0-25 in education. This will include children in Early Years settings like pre-school and nursery, schools, and colleges (also called Further Education Institutions – FEIs). There will be a multi-agency approach, to include professionals from Education, Health and Social Services all working together to provide a single plan - the IDP.

Reviews and Meetings

Meetings and reviews should be positively focused to explore a better and more positive future for the child or young person. The meeting should also produce a clear action plan. The positive approach for meetings and reviews should focus less on what’s wrong, and more on what we would like to happen.

There might be a change in the type of questions you are asked to consider, and the type of information that you are asked to share.

Who will be involved?

The child or young person, and everyone who is important to the child or young person, to support their learning and their needs. This will include parents and carers.

How will an IDP be developed and what will it include?

There are clear guidelines on what should be included within an IDP. This is set by Welsh Government and includes:

  • Naming the professional responsible for the IDP
  • Information about me (the child/young person)
  • My views, wishes and feelings
  • Information that was used to help write my IDP
  • Information about my ALN and what they mean to me
  • My Additional Learning Provision (ALP)
  • Transition planning
  • Reasons for decisions made
  • Timeline of important dates.

The IDP will be written as a child or young person friendly document, using simple language and photos of the child young person, images, and what’s important to them and what’s important for them.

When will it be reviewed?

IDPs should be regularly reviewed and must be reviewed each year (annually) 

In summary, LAs, Schools, Settings and FEIs must:

  • Have regard to the views wishes and feelings of the parent, as well as those of the child
  • Have a positive attitude towards including parents to ensure parents fully participate in decisions about their child’s education and can contribute towards decision-making and outcomes for their child.
  • Provide information and support to enable parent participation as fully as possible, to support and empower parent
  • Appreciate that the lead up to a decision on whether a child has ALN, and other decisions on a child’s ALN may be an anxious time for the parents and family




ID: 7869, revised 04/01/2023