
Active Travel

The Active Travel Act came into force in 2013 by the Welsh Government. The definition of an active travel journey includes travel to work, travel to school and other educational facilities, travel to the shops, travel to leisure facilities and travel to public transport.

The benefits of Active Travel are –

  • Health & Wellbeing- physical activity for just 30 minutes a day has huge physical, mental and social health benefits on individuals.
  • Environment & Community- by using Active Travel approaches we are reducing the environmental impacts of congestion, reducing CO2 emissions and improving air quality within our environment.
  • Economy - people travelling into the city using active travel are likely spend more time and money than those who drive which in turn benefits the local economy.

The Active Travel Co-ordinator within the Road Safety team is currently working with schools to set-up various Active Travel initiatives which include park and stride, walking bus, active travel tracker and walk to school with Ziggy Zebra. We also offer scooter courses, holiday cycling clubs and family cycle clubs to encourage people to have a more active lifestyle.

If you are a parent, teacher, school governor, business or a home educated family and want to find out more about Active Travel initiatives in your school or place of work then please contact the Road Safety Team road.safety@pembrokeshire.gov.uk


All local authorities in Wales have to produce maps of walking and cycling networks in their local area, known as Active Travel Network Maps (ATNMs) (opens in a new tab).

The Active Travel Network Maps user guide (opens in a new tab) explains how to access and use the online maps.

The Active Travel Network Maps background information guide (opens in a new tab) explains the Active Travel Network Maps (and how to interpret them).


ID: 10555, revised 21/02/2025