Learner Information

Learner Support

What additional services do Learning Pembrokeshire provide?

  • Adult Guidance - Learning Pembrokeshire's trained staff can help you to understand and make choices about courses, learning options and progression routes available to you. For further information, pick up an Adult Guidance leaflet from the Community Learning Centre.
  • Essential skills - Learning Pembrokeshire Essential Skills service offers classes/support in reading, writing, maths, digital skills and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Speak to your tutor, in confidence, if you need help.
  • Pembrokeshire County Council Welsh Language Scheme - Pembrokeshire County Council has adopted the principle that in the conduct of public business and the administration of justice in Wales, it will treat the English and Welsh Languages on a basis of equality. The Council's Scheme has received the approval of the Welsh Language Board under Section 14 (1) of the Welsh Language Act on 5th June 2006. 
  • Disability support - Learning Pembrokeshire can provide support, advice and resources to assist your learning. Please talk confidentially to your tutor or Centre Administrator.
  • Support with fees - If paying class fees is causing a financial problem, please talk confidentially to Centre Administrators, who can discuss available funding options and possible arrangements.  





ID: 1953, revised 19/07/2023