Information Governance

Data Protection and Subject Access Requests

Pembrokeshire County Council needs to collect and use certain types of information about people with whom it deals. In addition, it may occasionally be required by law to collect and use information to comply with the requirements of government departments and the Welsh Assembly Government.

The United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) only applies to personal data which identifies living persons. The Regulation also makes provisions for the processing of such personal information including the obtaining, holding, use of or disclosure of such information. 

Pembrokeshire County Council is subject to those provisions and has to abide by the six principles of the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) which are: 

Personal data shall be:- 

  1. Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.
  2. Processed only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes. 
  3. Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary. 
  4. Accurate and where necessary, kept up to date. 
  5. Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than necessary. 
  6. Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data. 

The Regulation gives certain rights to people whose data is held by the Authority which includes:-

  1. The right to be informed.
  2. The right of access.
  3. The right to rectification.
  4. The right to erasure.
  5. The right to restrict processing.
  6. The right to data portibility.
  7. The right to object.
  8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

The fundamental right is the right of subject access. This allows people to find out what is being held about them. The personal data held may take the form of computerised records, emails, CCTV, photographs or paper records. 

Individuals who wish to make a Subject Access Request are asked to provide as much information as possible to identify the data that they require.  

Pembrokeshire County Council has a month from receipt of the form to comply with the request, provided that we are satisfied as to the identity of the person making the request and have sufficient information to locate the information requested. 

It will be necessary for us to have a copy of a document confirming your date of birth and identity (birth certificate) and a copy of one of the following to confirm your address: 

  • Bank Statement 
  • Solicitor's Letter 
  • Passport 
  • Driver's licence 
  • Utility bill for the last quarter 

In some cases there might be some restrictions under the Regulation on an individual's right to see all personal data held about them. Another one of the main restrictions concerns third party data - or data that does not apply to the individual making the request. In this instance, the information provided will exclude any content which identifies a third party, unless the third party agrees to its release. If any restrictions apply to you, you will be informed of this.

More information about the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and further guidance can be found on the Information Commissioner's website (opens in a new tab)

If you would like to make a request, please complete the form and send it to: 

Access to Records Team  
Pembrokeshire County Council 
County Hall 
SA61 1TP 


Telephone (for any advice or enquiries): 01437 775195 / 775216

You have a general right to access information which we hold that does not relate to you as an individual, and which we do not routinely publish by making a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

ID: 486, revised 09/11/2023