Housing Support

Housing Support Programme Strategy 2022 - 26

Brief Overview

Key developments


New services:

-        VAWDASV

-        Rough sleeper outreach

-        Conflict resolution

-        Older persons

Allocations policy review

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan

Decluttering pilot


Gaps remaining


Hoarding service

‘Wet’ house for substance misuse

Digital inclusion skills development

ID: 12750, revised 19/02/2025

Update on HSP Strategy Priorities

Priority 1: Strengthen early intervention and prevention services and specialised support to prevent homelessness


A mediation/conflict resolution service was highlighted as a gap in our service provision in the HSP Strategy, with breakdown in relationship and parental exclusion both common reasons for homeless presentations. We have since developed a pilot service, awarded to The Wallich, which will include support for those experiencing family breakdown, neighbour dispute, or landlord and tenant disputes with the aim of reducing the number of presentations.

An Assertive Outreach for Street Homeless service was awarded to The Wallich in 2023, with the aim that there will be a flexible service across a seven-day week, including early mornings, evenings, and weekends, in order to meet the needs of those who are street homeless. There will be partnership working with the local health board and the support of Alcohol Liaison Nurses and Immunisation Nurses to ensure that those who are rough sleeping are able to better access these vital health services. The support delivered by this service and the local intelligence gathered informs the data collected by the local authority each month, for both returns made to Welsh Government and internal performance indicators. Implementation of this service commenced in late 2023.

The HSP Strategy highlighted the need for a more enhanced offer for domestic abuse support in Pembrokeshire, evidenced by the 210.8% increase in homeless presentations due to a violent relationship breakdown between 2017/18 and 2022/23. In early 2023 we awarded our domestic abuse service to Pembrokeshire Domestic Abuse Service for floating support and supported accommodation, including the refuge. This one service incorporated the previously separate domestic abuse services into a stronger, more comprehensive package. PDAS is a Calan/Threshold partnership and will therefore have close links with the IDVA service as two of the five services in the Dal I Godi partnership who won the IDVA contract for Dyfed Powys. This new service will provide a wider range of support including more specialised sexual violence support, support for LGBTQ+ people, and support for male victim/survivors. Implementation of this service began in late 2023.

We have developed an older persons floating support service for an initial 18 months. Previously, support for older persons in Pembrokeshire was limited to those in some of our supported accommodation and a gap was highlighted for those who require support to remain in their own homes. This service was awarded to Age Cymru Dyfed and will provide tenure neutral housing related floating support. As part of this service, funding is ring-fenced for a comprehensive analysis of the support needs of older persons in Pembrokeshire and to draft a report that will inform the design of older persons services in Pembrokeshire in the future. In ensuring that support is tenure neutral, we aim to keep people independent in their own homes and prevent costlier interventions through the homelessness or social care route.

In 2023 a pilot for a decluttering service was implemented, with the aim to inform our approach to hoarding. The limitations of the HSG eligibility criteria meant that whilst this pilot gave us a picture of the scale of hoarding problem, it was difficult to deliver the level of support to those at the more extreme end of the scale. As part of this pilot, an evaluation report was developed which will inform any future services. Whilst the HSG criteria has been relaxed slightly recently, a proper hoarding service remains a gap in our service provision. The design of any such service will require multi-agency input from organisations such as mental health services, housing, environmental health, and the fire service.

Our HSG-funded Youth Service continues to deliver tenancy skills programme in order to support tenancy sustainability for people aged 16-25 and also delivers early intervention and prevention support through workshops in schools and colleges throughout Pembrokeshire. In 2024, our Youth supported accommodation has increased from 6 to 7 spaces, with another property commissioned in collaboration with ateb. Four of these spaces will be for care-experienced young people after this was highlighted as a gap.


Priority 2: Ensuring people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness access the right home at the right time, as part of our Rapid Rehousing approach


A new service provider, NACRO, has taken over the delivery of support in our emergency accommodation at the Silverdale Lodge. As part of this service provision, there is now an outreach worker to deliver support to those in other temporary accommodation such as the PODS and the B&Bs. As a result of this, we are more accurately mapping the support needs of those in TA and delivering the right support at the right time. With all support services linking in with the Gateway, we are also ensuring that we have a complete picture of the level of support needed for those in our temporary accommodation in order to promote tenancy sustainment in any new permanent accommodation allocation. 

Increasing access to the private rented sector was highlighted as a priority due to the unaffordability and inaccessibility of the PRS in Pembrokeshire. This was a result of the freezing of LHA rates at the outset of the pandemic and the implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 which saw a lot of private landlords leave the market. The availability of housing in Pembrokeshire has shrunk without being able to rely on this element of the sector. We have launched the Leasing Scheme Wales, a Welsh Government funded scheme where private landlords can essentially lend their properties to the local authority for a determined period of time. The local authority takes over all work relating to the property and any allocations made to it and the private landlord receives a guaranteed income for the duration of the scheme at LHA rate. As well as this, we hosted a landlord forum where local landlords could network.

Increasing the supply of affordable housing with developments at Old School Lane in Johnston and Tudor Place in Tiers Cross. After significant delays for reasons outside of our control, Phase 1 and 2 of the new development site Old School Lane was completed. Allocations have been made and in early 2024 people began moving in. Tudor Place completion is due early summer 2024.  

The Choice Homes @ Pembrokeshire Allocations Policy has been reviewed and updated. The current policy was implemented 10 years ago and is not reflective of the current pressures we’re facing. Since the pandemic we have seen unprecedented numbers on the social housing register and significant increases in homeless presentations. The proposed changes aim to relieve some of the pressure on the housing sector and increase movement in the register, allowing for a more flexible and dynamic approach to allocating social housing. The new Allocations Policy has been approved by Cabinet and agreed with our RSL partners. Work will be done throughout 2024 in order to fully implement the new policy in 2025.

Whilst reducing the number of those in B&Bs has been difficult because of the chronic shortage of housing, the aim with the new allocations policy is for more dynamic and flexible allocations to be made.


Priority 3: Further strengthen Housing Support services 

Strategic reviews have been completed on our VAWDASV and Older Persons’ services and are currently underway for our mental health services to ensure that eligibility criteria for the Housing Support Grant is being met. Efficient use of HSG will ensure that people have the right support at the right time and will prevent costlier interventions later down the line.

We have moved away from short-term, grant-funded support services to more long-term contract-based services with a longer term funding commitment, allowing for better planning and recruitment and retention of staff.

We have sourced and offered training for HSG-funded staff, including for conflict resolution and hoarding.

Whilst move on was paused during the pandemic, we are looking to restart this in 2024.


Priority 4: Work collaboratively to provide holistic, person-centred support with effective specialist interventions where necessary


Homeless and Housing Support Operational Group set up to ensure multi-agency oversight for the implementation of HSP Strategy and RRH Transition Plan, with input from PCC Housing, RSL partners, HSG-commissioned services, mental health services, drug and alcohol services, Youth Homelessness Teams, and Hywel Dda University Health Board.

Amendments made to the documents used by Housing Officers in order to capture support needs at time of presentation for homeless customers, allowing for easier referrals made into the HSG Gateway and that the appropriate referrals are made at the right time. There is further scope to incorporate any support needs into the application form for Choice Homes @ Pembrokeshire following the review of the Allocations Policy. In doing so, this will identify those who are in need of support early, prior to engagement with homelessness services. Work on the new application form will be undertaken throughout 2024, with the aim of implementation of the new policy to be completed by 2025.

The conflict resolution service will be jointly funded by HSG and the Parenting Support Grant, which will make it available to those 14 and above, where HSG limits support to those 16 and above. This collaborative working will allow the support to be delivered to a wider range of service users with the aim of preventing youth homelessness.

As part of the White Paper on Homelessness, there is a strong emphasis on partnership working between all public services and the idea that homelessness is not just a housing issues. Recommendations in the White Paper, should they be implemented, include duties on other public bodies to identify risk of homelessness and refer to housing, with an expanded duty to co-operate. Aim of the White Paper is to strengthen the links between all public services in relation to homelessness prevention. In Pembrokeshire, there is more work to be done in relation to partnership working with Health and Social Care Services in order to develop a discharge protocol so that no-one is discharged without suitable accommodation. There has been some work done with HSG-funded service Integrated Housing Team to try and get a worker in the hospital. This will be part of the strategic review and how we can improve/strengthen the offer.

Collaboration between HSG and Housing teams and the Youth Service for a better data-driven system of early identifiers for youth homelessness.




ID: 12751, revised 19/02/2025

Developments outside of HSP Strategy

Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan


Local authorities across Wales have created Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans in order to implement this new approach to homelessness in Wales. The Transition Plan in Pembrokeshire was created in collaboration with multiple relevant agencies, such as PCC Housing, RSL partners, HSG-funded support services, mental health services, drug and alcohol services, Probation and Prison Service, and Hywel Dda University Health Board.

The Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan was created to align with the HSP Strategy and its priorities, in order to create a comprehensive, consistent approach to homelessness in Pembrokeshire.


Youth Engagement and Progression Framework


The Youth Engagement and Progression Framework has been created with the aim of intervening at the earliest possibility in order to deliver support to young people, in a collaborative effort to prevent homelessness and poverty.

As part of delivering this Framework, the Youth Service in Pembrokeshire, in collaboration with the Housing and HSG teams, have developed an extensive system to identify early indicators of youth homelessness, looking at things such as school exclusions.

Strong partnership working is needed to develop this further, such as recording homeless young people who are part of a household, but not a lead applicant, as they are not currently recorded as homeless.


Increasing the supply of housing


There were significant delays in our development programme that were outside of our control, such as the pandemic and construction company going into administration. After these delays, we have completed Phase 1 and 2 of the Old School Lane site in Johnston. Allocations to these properties were made in late 2023, with tenants moving in early 2024. The completion of Tudor Place in Tiers Cross has been done, with sign up due in early summer 2024.

As well as our own development programme, there are the developments of our RSL partners, including new partners coming on board. 

We are continuing to increase the supply of housing through our acquisitions and our Welsh Government Leasing Scheme. 


Allocations Policy Review


The current Choice Homes @ Pembrokeshire Allocations Policy was drafted in 2014 and is no longer reflective of the pressures we are facing in housing, with increases of both homeless presentations and number on the social housing register. As a result of the pandemic and cost of living crisis, and the inaccessibility of the private rented sector, we are seeing more people turn to social housing who would ordinarily be accommodated in the private sector.  The Allocations Policy has been reviewed and updated in order to allow for more dynamic and flexible allocations in social housing, with the aim to relieve some of the pressure on our register.

The biggest change proposed is the ‘closing’ of the register to those from outside of the county. Currently, anyone can join the social housing register and be allocated a property. With the new changes, applicants must prove that they have been living in Pembrokeshire for at least 5 years, or 5 years continuously in the last 15 years. This will bring us in line with our regional partners and ensure that the scarce resource of social housing is reserve for those in Pembrokeshire with most housing need.

ID: 12752, revised 19/02/2025

Sheltered housing

Sheltered housing is mainly for older people and usually takes the form of a group of small bungalows or flats with a warden who can give some help and support in an emergency. 

ID: 2079, revised 09/02/2024

Housing Support

The housing team can offer information and advice:

  • If you are homeless and/or want to apply for social housing
  • If you have an assessed care need housing officers will offer advice on a range of housing options
  • On Disabled Facilities Grants to help owners/occupiers or tenants to alter their home to make it easier to live in
  • On insulating, improving or maintaining your home

On this page:

Housing Support Grant (HSG)

Social housing

Sheltered housing

Extra care

Moving in to a residential home

Wales & West Housing Association


Housing Support Grant (HSG) 

The purpose of the Housing Support Grant is to prevent homelessness and support people to have the capability, independence, skills and confidence to access and/or maintain a stable and suitable home. By commissioning specialist and generic services, we aim to reduce and prevent homelessness and to ensure that any homelessness that cannot be prevented is brief and unrepeated.

What services do the Housing Support Grant fund?

  • Supported accommodation
  • Support for individuals who are sleeping rough
  • Refuge for women and children who are fleeing domestic abuse
  • Support at the Local Authority's emergency/temporary accommodation
  • Generic and specialist floating support for individuals in their own homes or in the community

What support can be offered?

  • Our Providers can work in partnership with you to:
  • Access safe, suitable and sustainable accommodation and negotiate appropriate tenancy terms;
  • Manage your debts and money, such as rent arrears, claiming benefits, and budgeting on a low income;
  • Develop or maintain the skills and confidence necessary for you to live as independently as possible in a safe and suitable home;
  • Access emotional support which promotes resilience and well-being;
  • Signposting and access to other services such as health, social care and other agencies;
  • Improve the sustainability of your housing by tackling any social isolation and helping you play a full part in the community;
  • Support you to access services which provide opportunities for education, training, volunteering, and employment;
  • Understand your housing rights, including welfare rights.


How to access

All referrals for support are processed through our Housing Support Gateway. The Housing Support Gateway forms a single point of contact for all incoming referrals and will assess each referral before identifying and making an onward referral to the most suitable provider to support with the identified needs.

If you or someone that you support would benefit from a referral, please complete the online referral form below:

Housing Support Grant Referral Form 

Alternatively, if you are unable to complete this form, please contact Gateway@pembrokeshire.gov.uk to request a referral form.

Housing Support Programme (HSP) Strategy 2022-26

This strategy sets out the approach that Pembrokeshire County Council will take to continuing to support our most vulnerable residents – those who are risk of, or experience homelessness and those who need support to maintain their tenancies and live as part of their communities.

Fundamental to this strategy is the aim of helping people live independently in the community. This includes not just access to appropriate housing but strategic action to ensure that there is adequate supply of the homes that are required across Pembrokeshire.

Housing Support Programme (HSP) Strategy 2022–26

If you require any additional information please contact the team on:

Tel: 01437 764551

Email: supporting.people@pembrokeshire.gov.uk

Forms & downloads

For data collected 1st April 2023 to 30th September 2023

New Outcomes Guidance (opens in a new tab)

Privacy Notice - Housing Support Grant 


Social housing 

Affordable rented housing is provided by both the Council and housing associations. To be eligible you must apply to join our Housing Register. Forms are available from us and housing associations.


Sheltered housing 

Sheltered housing is mainly for older people and usually takes the form of a group of small bungalows or flats with a warden who can give some help and support in an emergency.


Extra care 

Extra care offers an alternative to residential care, with good quality apartments and a range of quality services such as a restaurant that caters lunches, which ensure that you can continue to live independently for as long as possible. 

For all housing enquiries: 01437 764551


Moving into a Residential Home 

If you are assessed as needing to move into residential care you may be eligible for help with the costs.

Care Homes in Wales: Your questions answered

The guide covers a wide range of topics, including finding a care home that meets your needs; the information that should be available from a care home; having a say in decisions; activities and socialising; accessing health care; and what to do if you are unhappy with a care home.

The guide can be found here: Older People Wales (opens in a new tab)

If you would like to receive a copy (or copies) of the guide, please call 03442 640 670


Wales and West Housing Association 

This service is available regardless of the tenure; whether you rent or own your home.

Our Supported Housing Officers provide a much needed housing related support service and the type of support/assistance provided are: 

  • to manage the upkeep of your home
  • to access benefits
  • in getting involved in the community
  • at times of bereavement
  • to access care services
  • to set up alarm systems or assistive technology
  • with advice about other housing options
  • with accessing adaptations and equipment

This support and assistance service is: 

  • available to any older person living in any kind of tenure (owner occupier or living in rented accommodation). We can also make visits to hospitals/residential homes if there is a need.
  • provided as long as is required; there is no time limit whilst support needs have been identified
  • conducted in both Welsh and English; whichever is the preferred language of the service user.
  • highly confidential.
  • free

Referrals for the service are taken from statutory services, self-referrals and voluntary sector agencies. Support Officers will visit you at home to assess your needs and see what assistance can be provided. They will deliver housing related support to you until you are happy that your needs have been met. Support can be in your home or at a location of your choice such as a café or drop-in centre.

Wales and West Housing Association (opens in a new tab) 


Pembrokeshire Action for The Homeless (PATH) 

PATH provides people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with advice, assistance and advocacy to enable them to secure safe and affordable accommodation. They offer a range of services that can help people secure and/or maintain a tenancy, including resettlement packages, debt advice, crisis intervention, starter packs for rough sleepers or new tenants, bond schemes, travel warrant schemes and more.

Pembrokeshire Care Society (opens in a new tab)

7 Picton Place, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 2LE

e-mail: pcs@pembrokeshirecaresociety.org.uk

ID: 2064, revised 21/02/2025