Housing Strategy

Housing Strategy 2024 - 2029

Foreword by Cabinet Members

Pembrokeshire’s Housing Strategy 2023-2028 has been developed in the context of numerous challenges to the housing sector including the legacy impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, distinct pressures on the local housing market and inflationary pressures contributing to a cost of living crisis. These external influences are set within ongoing budgetary challenges for local authorities at a time when government-imposed targets are placing greater demands on resources to address ambitious targets around policy priorities including climate change and homelessness.

Pembrokeshire is a beautiful coastal county boasting a scenic coastline, national park, and world-renowned historic sites. It is also a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors every year. However, behind its picturesque image, Pembrokeshire faces serious housing challenges, including a distinct shortage of affordable housing to meet local needs and high levels of homelessness associated with high house prices within a relative low wage economy. Pembrokeshire’s natural beauty means the county has high levels of second home ownership and combined with the significant number of holiday lets in coastal towns this has reduced the availability of housing for local people. As a result housing waiting lists have reached record levels with high numbers of households in temporary accommodation and most households having little or no chance of having their housing needs met. At the same time the growing older population is placing increasing pressure on supported housing services with high levels of demand for disabled facilities grants and an inadequate supply of supported accommodation to meet emerging needs.

Against this challenge Pembrokeshire County Council has developed a Corporate Strategy 2023-2028 which is based on the Cabinet’s Programme for Administration. These documents recognise the important leadership role the Council has in addressing these challenges and shaping the future of the county. Developed in line with the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 it highlights Housing as a priority issue for the Council and the development of this Housing Strategy represents an important step in setting out the key challenges and describing the detailed actions necessary to deliver against our priorities for all tenures of housing in Pembrokeshire.

The Housing Strategy 2023-2028 does not set out in detail every aspect of our response to the housing challenges facing the county rather it forms part of a suite of plans, some of which focus in greater detail on specific policy areas. These plans include, the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan 2022-2027 which sets out the housing-led approach to reducing homelessness and the Housing Support Programme (HSP) Strategy 2022-2026 which focuses on helping people to live independently in the community. Similarly, the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan specifically addresses the Council’s approach to the management, maintenance and further development of the Council’s own housing stock. However, the Housing Strategy provides a clear overarching vision and direction for our housing policy and delivery, based on evidence and consultation with our stakeholders and communities. The action plan helps to allocate resources and monitor progress and outcomes.

Importantly, the Housing Strategy helps to align the goals and priorities of our key delivery partners across the statutory, private and voluntary sector without whom we would be unable to deliver positive change for the people of Pembrokeshire.


The priorities in the Strategy have been informed included in the detailed Housing Needs Assessment in Appendix 1 followed by links to theStrategic Context as Appendix 2.

Cabinet Member for Housing Operations and Regulatory Services – Cllr Michelle Bateman

Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Delivery – Cllr Jon Harvey

ID: 11636, revised 07/01/2025