Event Safety Advisory Group (ESAG)

Role of the ESAG

ESAGs provide a forum for discussing and advising on public safety at an event. They aim to help organisers with the planning, and management of an event and to encourage cooperation and coordination between all relevant agencies.

Event organisers and others involved in the running of an event, retain the principal legal duties for ensuring public safety.

ESAGs has no powers to approve or prohibit events from taking place. On the rare occasion where there is disagreement between an ESAG and the event organiser, and there remains a genuine risk to the public, individual organisations on the ESAG (such as the Police, Fire Service, Health & Safety) may decide to act to resolve the issue. Decisions on the use of these powers are matters for the relevant authorities to consider, not the ESAG and are discharged separately.

An ESAG can:

  • Encourage high levels of safety and welfare at events by giving advice and guidance
  • Support businesses and organisers through having a single point of contact for the event and consistent professional advice and guidance
  • Help organisers focus resources using risk assessment and facilitate proportionate advice and regulation
  • Advise on minimising any adverse impact or inconvenience to local residents, businesses and the general public
  • Encourage wellbeing, health and welfare of the community
  • Help organisers enable effective planning to facilitate less intensive monitoring and inspection
  • Increase good publicity and encourage more business and visitor engagement through safer events
  • Share good practice


For more information on the role, structure and purpose of theESAG please see the Terms of Reference document

ID: 4767, revised 08/03/2023